Farmer's Almanac 2 Month Free Forecast (2025)

1. 60-Day Extended Weather Forecasts | Long-Range Predictions

  • Region 1 - Northeast · Region 4 - Southeast · Region 11 - Texas-Oklahoma · Florida

  • Order Your Almanac Today!

60-Day Extended Weather Forecasts | Long-Range Predictions

2. Long Range Weather Forecast - Plan Your Day. Grow Your Life.

  • Northeast & New England · Southeast U.S. · Great Lakes, Ohio Valley... · Ontario

  • Find weather forecasts for the United States and Canada by clicking on a zone in either map One month's worth of the Farmers' Almanac Weather

Long Range Weather Forecast - Plan Your Day. Grow Your Life.

3. 60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for Florida |

60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for Florida |

4. 60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for Northeast |

  • Winter temperatures will be above normal, with the coldest periods in mid-December and late February. Precipitation and snowfall will be below normal, with the ...

  • Order Your Almanac Today!

60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for Northeast |

5. Winter 2025 Extended Weather Forecast - Farmers' Almanac

  • Long Range Weather · Our Forecast Accuracy · Extended Fall Forecast 2024

  • Farmers' Almanac 2025 winter weather forecast calls for a wet winter whirlwind! Find out what that means for your region.

Winter 2025 Extended Weather Forecast - Farmers' Almanac

6. 60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for Southeast |

60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for Southeast |

7. 60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for New York, NY |

  • 60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for New York, NY · Free 2-Month Weather Forecast · The 12-Month Long-Range Weather Report From The 2024 Old Farmer's Almanac · The ...

  • Order Your Almanac Today!

60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for New York, NY |

8. 60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for Lower Lakes |

  • Free 2-Month Weather Forecast ; Sunny, then rain, heavy east; cool · Isolated showers east, sunny west; mild · Sunny, warm · Showers; warm, then cool ...

  • Order Your Almanac Today!

60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for Lower Lakes |

9. 60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for Texas-Oklahoma |

  • Free 2-Month Weather Forecast ; Sunny north, a few t-storms south; warm · Tropical storm threat · Isolated t-storms, then sunny; turning hot · Sunny, warm ...

  • Order Your Almanac Today!

60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for Texas-Oklahoma |

10. 60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for Intermountain |

  • Free 2-Month Weather Forecast. September 2024 Long Range Weather Forecast for ... See the complete 12-month weather predictions in The 2024 Old Farmer's Almanac.

  • Order Your Almanac Today!

60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for Intermountain |

11. 2025 Farmers' Almanac forecast predicts longer, wetter winter weather

  • Aug 12, 2024 · Winter is coming – a wetter one than usual, the Farmers' Almanac predicts. Much of the country will have average or warmer temperatures, ...

  • The 2025 Farmers' Almanac forecast predicts a wetter-than-average winter. Much of the US will have milder temperatures, central US gets the cold.

2025 Farmers' Almanac forecast predicts longer, wetter winter weather
Farmer's Almanac 2 Month Free Forecast (2025)


How unreliable is the Farmer's Almanac? ›

Questionable Accuracy: While the Almanac claims an 80% accuracy rate and has made notable predictions, studies show it is only 52% accurate, making it unreliable for precise, long-term forecasts compared to modern meteorology.

How accurate is the Old Farmer's Almanac? ›

Accuracy. Publishers claim that "many longtime Almanac followers claim that their forecasts are 80% to 85% accurate" on their website.

What is the best long range weather forecast website? ›

AccuWeather gathers the best and most comprehensive weather data to deliver forecasts with Superior Accuracy. Forecasts are pinpointed for every location on Earth and extend further ahead than any other source.

What is the difference between farmers almanac and old farmer's almanac? ›

The Farmers Almanac was first printed in 1818 by David Young. It varies from the Old Almanac by predicting weather 16 months in advance (versus 18 months) for seven climate zones in the U.S. and for five zones in Canada. That's quite a few less than the Old Farmers Almanac (18 U.S. regions and 7 in Canada).

Which almanac is most accurate? ›

The Old Farmer's Almanac claims an overall accuracy of about 80 percent for its winter forecasts; its staff calculates this based on whether they accurately predict the direction of departure from normal for precipitation and temperature in one city for each region they evaluate.

How accurate were Almanacs? ›

While the Almanacs' secrets are allegedly under lock and key, it's no secret both claim an overall 80% accuracy in their forecasts.

Who is more accurate, Noaa vs Farmers Almanac? ›

While NOAA releases seasonal outlooks much closer to the time frame they're predicting (such as releasing the winter outlook in mid-October), the forecasts are still subject to changes for accuracy, while the almanacs are set in stone once they're published.

Who owns the farmers almanac? ›

1949. Ann and Ray Geiger purchase the rights to the Almanac Publishing Company and the Farmers' Almanac. Geiger Bros. alone now owns, edits, produces, and distributes the Farmers' Almanac.

Why is there a hole in the Farmers Almanac? ›

That hole isn't a defect; it's a part of history. Starting with the first edition of the Farmers' Almanac in 1818, readers used to nail holes into the corners to hang it up in their homes, barns, and outhouses (to provide both reading material and toilet paper).

What is the most accurate free weather forecast? ›

The Met Office weather app gives you the most accurate world-leading global weather forecasts, with coverage from 1 hour to 7 days ahead.

What is more accurate than AccuWeather? ›

In a composite measure of accuracy, the Weather Channel and Weather Underground came top, AccuWeather fifth, MeteoGroup (the BBC's new provider) sixth and the BBC ninth (based on Met Office forecasts).

Who has the most accurate weather predictions? ›

According to ForecastWatch, the premier organization for evaluating the accuracy of weather forecasts, The Weather Company is more likely to be the most accurate and reliable weather forecaster across all geographic regions studied (U.S., Canada, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, and Asia- ...

What is the most respected and used almanac in the United States? ›

Published every September, The Old Farmer's Almanac has been published continuously since 1792, making it the oldest continuously published periodical in North America. The publication follows in the heritage of American almanacs such as Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack.

Are old farmers Almanacs worth anything? ›

The average selling price on eBay for a late 19th-century copy of the Old Farmer's Almanac from say the 1870s is only about $12-15. Editions from the 1920s sell for only about $4., an online used bookseller, has an 1890 edition in fair condition priced at just $9.

Why is the Farmers Almanac still popular? ›

Despite the older-school approach, the Almanacs remain popular. In fact, the Farmers' Almanac states many longtime followers maintain its forecasts are 80% to 85% accurate. That's one helluva record.

Why is the weather so unreliable? ›

Reasons For Bad Weather Forecast Accuracy

Below are some of the common reasons why weather forecasts can sometimes be inaccurate: Unpredictable Changes: The Earth's atmosphere is constantly changing in ways that are simply not always predictable, even in the short term.

What does farmers Almanac use to predict weather? ›

We employ three disciplines to make our long-range predictions: solar science, the study of sunspots and other solar activity; climatology, the study of prevailing weather patterns; and. meteorology, the study of the atmosphere.

Why is the farmers Almanac so popular? ›

Its popularity can be attributed to Thomas' accuracy in weather predictions and the usefulness of his advice. Thomas was able to calculate weather predictions for his book by studying solar activity, astronomy cycles and weather patterns.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.