How to Use Smartsheet for Project Management - SFS (2024)

Smartsheet is a game-changing project management tool that offers various capabilities to support project completion. Its powerful customization and data organization make it ideal for teams with intricate data structures within their projects. Similar to Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, Smartsheet’s user interface is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for anyone with spreadsheet experience to get started.

Kickstart your Smartsheet experience by accessing the Solution Center, a library chock-full of templates and resources designed to assist you in crafting project plans that meet your specific needs. Smartsheet provides both free and paid plans, offering flexibility for different project requirements and team sizes.

With its robust features and customizable templates, Smartsheet enables users to standardize project structure and processes, gain granular control and visibility by breaking down projects into tasks, sub-tasks, task relationships, milestones, and critical paths.

Free vs. Paid Plans

As you weigh Smartsheet’s free and paid plans, consider your unique project management requirements. The free plan includes features such as:

  • Two sheets
  • Two editors or viewers per plan
  • Grid, Gantt, calendar, card view
  • Dashboards and reports
  • 500MB attachments
  • 100 collaborators

Meanwhile, paid plans provide access to more editors, unlimited sheets, viewers, dashboards, reports, and forms, as well as increased storage capacity. The Pro plan starts at $7 per user per month, and the Enterprise plan has custom pricing available.

Consider the size and complexity of your complex projects when deciding on the plan that best suits your team.

Navigating the User Interface

Thanks to its familiar spreadsheet-like layout, navigating Smartsheet’s user interface is a breeze. The main components of the interface include:

  1. Left panel: This is your go-to place for accessing primary functions like project creation.
  2. Navigation bar with icons: It comprises Browse, Recent, Favorites, and the Solution Center.
  3. Solution Center: This houses a library of templates and resources to assist you in getting started with Smartsheet.

With these components, you can easily navigate and utilize Smartsheet for your project management needs.

A solid grasp of the user interface lends itself to efficient project management and a streamlined process.

Selecting and Customizing Smartsheet Templates

The selection and customization of Smartsheet templates play a vital role in crafting a project plan that aligns with your distinct needs. By utilizing prebuilt templates, you can save time and ensure that your project structure and processes are standardized. You can access these templates by selecting the plus icon in the left-hand menu, which will bring up the template browser.

Smartsheet offers a variety of templates for different smartsheet project management methodologies and goals, including those compatible with Microsoft Project. Whether you’re managing a simple task list or a complex smartsheet project with multiple dependencies, there’s a template designed to help you stay organized and on track. One such useful tool is the project sheet, which can be customized to fit your specific needs. Additionally, the Smartsheet logo can be added to your project sheet for a professional touch.

Once you’ve chosen a template that meets your needs, you can customize it to better suit your project’s requirements.

Choosing the Right Template

When selecting a template for your project, consider the purpose and format of your project. Smartsheet offers prebuilt templates such as project timeline templates and project board templates. Preview and compare templates to find the best fit for your needs, and remember that you can always customize them later if desired.

Choosing an apt template paves the way for successful project execution and helps keep your team organized and focused.

Customizing Templates

Once you’ve selected a template, it’s time to customize it to suit your project’s specific needs. You can modify columns and rows, add or remove elements, and tailor the template to your unique requirements.

Saving a sheet as a template for future use is straightforward: open your desired sheet, select “File,” and opt for “Save as Template.” Customizing templates allows for a uniform and efficient project management process that reflects your specific needs.

Collaborating with Team Members in Smartsheet

Collaboration is the key to successful project management, and Smartsheet offers features to improve communication and productivity among team members. Some of the features include:

  • Robust sharing options
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Commenting and discussion threads
  • Activity logs and version history

Leveraging Smartsheet’s collaboration features helps maintain team alignment and ensures everyone remains in sync.

In addition to sharing projects and sheets, Smartsheet offers commenting and messaging features that facilitate communication within your team. These features enable team members to share updates, ask questions, and collaborate in real-time, ensuring everyone stays informed and engaged throughout the project lifecycle.

Sharing Projects and Sheets

Sharing projects and sheets with your team members in Smartsheet is simple and efficient. You have several options for sharing:

  1. Share a sheet to an individual email address with a personalized message.
  2. Share with a Smartsheet group.
  3. Send as a PDF or Excel file attachment.
  4. Publish a public real-time link.

When sharing, you can also set permissions at the viewer, editor, or admin level, giving you control over who has access to your project data and what they can do with it. Sharing your projects and sheets nurtures a collaborative environment and promotes team synchronization.

Commenting and Messaging

Smartsheet’s commenting and messaging features play a vital role in facilitating communication within your project team. You can add comments to specific cells or tasks, making it easy for team members to discuss and collaborate on particular items. To tag someone in a comment, use the ‘@’ sign followed by their name, and they’ll receive a notification.

Utilizing these features helps keep your team engaged and informed, fostering a smoother project management process.

Managing Tasks and Deadlines in Smartsheet

Effective management of tasks and deadlines is key to prompt project completion. Smartsheet provides a range of features to help you stay on top of your project’s tasks, deadlines, and resources. With Smartsheet’s task organization, deadline visualization, and resource management features, you can effectively manage your projects and ensure your team stays on track.

Creating and assigning tasks to your team members is a fundamental aspect of project management. Smartsheet allows you to easily create tasks, set deadlines, and assign them to the appropriate team members, ensuring everyone knows what they need to do and when it needs to be completed.

Creating and Assigning Tasks

To create tasks in Smartsheet, simply right-click on a row number and insert a new blank row above or below to insert single or multiple task rows in a sheet.

Once you’ve added tasks, you can assign them to team members by selecting an individual or group from the contact list column. Tracking who is responsible for each task and ensuring they have the necessary resources to complete it is essential for effective project management.

Tracking Progress and Deadlines

Monitoring deadlines and adjusting project timelines as needed is crucial for staying on track and ensuring project success. Smartsheet enables you to visualize progress and deadlines with its Gantt Chart view, which provides a clear overview of your project’s timeline and dependencies.

Monitoring your project’s progress closely and making necessary adjustments helps keep your team on schedule and ensures timely project completion. A project manager plays a crucial role in this process.

Utilizing Smartsheet Views for Effective Project Management

Smartsheet offers various views to help you manage your projects effectively. These views include Grid, Gantt, and Kanban, each providing a unique perspective on your project data and progress. Utilizing these diverse views provides a comprehensive project understanding, enabling more informed decision making.

The Grid view offers a familiar spreadsheet-like layout, making it easy to manage tasks, deadlines, and resources. Gantt view provides a visual representation of your project timeline, dependencies, and progress, allowing you to see how your project is progressing at a glance.

Lastly, the Kanban view offers a visual representation of tasks and their respective statuses within the project workflow, helping you to manage your project more efficiently and effectively.

Grid View

Grid View is a spreadsheet-style layout that enables users to effectively manage tasks, deadlines, and resources within Smartsheet. Similar to Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, Grid View allows you to quickly add, move, or update columns and rows in your sheet.

You can also insert and delete rows, as well as sort and filter the data to focus on specific tasks or deadlines. Grid View is perfect for those who prefer a familiar, spreadsheet-like layout for managing their projects.

Gantt Chart View

Gantt Chart View is an essential tool for visualizing project timelines, dependencies, and progress in Smartsheet. Its easy-to-read graphical representation of tasks and deadlines helps you stay on top of your project’s progress and make data-driven decisions.

By utilizing Gantt view, you can quickly identify potential bottlenecks, adjust timelines as needed, and ensure your project stays on track.

Kanban Board View

For those who prefer a more visual approach to project management, Kanban Board View is an excellent option in Smartsheet. This view organizes tasks into columns based on their status in the project workflow, providing a clear overview of your project’s progress.

By dragging and dropping tasks between columns, you can easily update their status and keep your team informed of any changes. Kanban Board View is particularly useful for Agile project management methodologies, where tasks are often completed in short, iterative sprints.

Automating Workflows and Generating Reports in Smartsheet

With Smartsheet’s automation and reporting features, streamlining your project management process is easy. Workflow automation allows you to create automated workflows that reduce time spent on repetitive tasks and optimize communication. Custom reports enable you to aggregate data from multiple projects or sheets into a single report, providing valuable insights into your project’s progress and performance.

Automating workflows and generating custom reports saves time, enhances collaboration, and enables informed decision-making throughout your project’s lifecycle.

Workflow Automation

Setting up workflow automation in Smartsheet is a breeze. To create an automated workflow, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the upper-left corner of your sheet and select Automation > Create workflow from template.
  2. In the workflow editor, select the desired action, such as recording a date.
  3. Configure the workflow to meet your requirements.

Once you’ve set up the workflow, save and activate it. Workflow automation can help reduce manual tasks and facilitate communication, ultimately optimizing project management.

Custom Reports

Creating custom reports in Smartsheet allows you to:

  • Consolidate data from multiple sheets and projects
  • Provide valuable insights for better decision-making
  • Customize your report by selecting the relevant data, columns, and filters to be included
  • Save your customized report and have it generated according to your custom settings.

By utilizing custom reports, you can comprehensively understand your project’s progress and performance, helping you make more informed decisions throughout its lifecycle.

Integrating Smartsheet with Other Tools

Integrating Smartsheet with other tools can greatly enhance your project management capabilities. With seamless connectivity to over 40 industry-leading apps and tools, Smartsheet enables you to automate tasks, optimize processes, and improve collaboration across platforms. Establishing connections between Smartsheet and collaboration tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Workspace streamlines communication, keeping your team informed and engaged throughout the project.

In addition to collaboration tools, Smartsheet integrates with other project management tools like Trello, Asana, and Wrike, providing a unified project management experience. By syncing Smartsheet with these tools, you can optimize your project management process and ensure your team has access to the most up-to-date information at all times.

Connecting with Collaboration Tools

Connecting Smartsheet with collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Workspace enables seamless communication and collaboration within your team. By integrating Smartsheet with these tools, you can ensure that your team stays informed of project updates, deadlines, and tasks in real-time.

This not only improves efficiency but also fosters a collaborative environment where everyone is working towards the same goals.

Syncing with Other Project Management Tools

Syncing Smartsheet with other project management tools like Trello, Asana, and Wrike allows for a unified project management experience. By synchronizing Smartsheet with these tools, you can consolidate your project data and ensure your team has access to the most up-to-date information at all times.

This can result in improved collaboration, streamlined processes, and ultimately, more successful project outcomes.

Expert Tips for Maximizing Smartsheet’s Potential

To fully tap into Smartsheet’s potential for your project management needs, it’s advisable to delve into its advanced features and expert tips. From time-saving shortcuts to organizing workspaces, these tips can help you get the most out of Smartsheet and ensure your projects run smoothly and efficiently.

Leveraging Smartsheet’s robust features and expert tips can help optimize your project management process, enhance collaboration, and keep your team on course to achieve their goals.

Time-saving Shortcuts

To improve efficiency in Smartsheet, make use of time-saving shortcuts and features. Some keyboard shortcuts that can help you navigate Smartsheet more quickly and easily include:

  • Cut: Ctrl + X
  • Copy: Ctrl + C
  • Paste: Ctrl + V
  • Undo: Ctrl + Z
  • Redo: Ctrl + Y

By utilizing these shortcuts, you can use Smartsheet to save time and streamline your workflow.

Additionally, the Alt + Shift + L shortcut can be used to lock or unlock selected rows, helping you save time and increase efficiency when working with Smartsheet.

Employing these time-saving shortcuts allows project managers to streamline their project management process, manage projects more efficiently, and concentrate on the crucial aspect – reaching their project goals.

Organizing Workspaces

Organizing your workspaces and sheets in Smartsheet is crucial for effective project management and collaboration. Creating new workspaces is simple – click the “Create New” button in the left panel and select “Workspace.”

To rename or organize items within your workspaces, you can right-click on an item and select the appropriate option. Maintaining organization in your workspaces guarantees that your team can readily access the information required for success. This can be achieved by utilizing the resource management section effectively.


In conclusion, Smartsheet is a powerful and versatile project management tool that can help you streamline your processes, improve collaboration, and achieve your project goals. By mastering Smartsheet’s features, utilizing its various views, automating workflows, generating custom reports, and integrating with other tools, you can unlock its full potential and revolutionize the way you manage projects. So, why wait? Dive into Smartsheet and transform your project management process today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Smartsheet used in project management?

Smartsheet is a powerful tool for project management that helps teams organize, track and automate tasks with real-time dashboards and reports across multiple sheets. It enables users to assign people or groups to tasks, roll up key metrics and project information, and create shared reports.

Is Smartsheets good for project management?

Smartsheet is a powerful spreadsheet-style tool for project management that offers capabilities for teams of all sizes. It comes with a free trial, so try it out and see if it meets your needs.

How do you create a project in Smartsheet?

To create a project in Smartsheet, open the project builder by selecting the menu (hamburger icon) and then selecting + +. Create project. Then, choose a blueprint to determine which templates are included in the project and add necessary columns to capture details about it.

What are the key differences between Smartsheet’s free and paid plans?

The key differences between Smartsheet’s free and paid plans include more editors, unlimited sheets and viewers, and increased storage capacity in the paid plan.

How can I customize Smartsheet templates to better align with my project’s specific needs?

Customizing Smartsheet templates to fit your project’s specific needs is simple – you can modify columns and rows, add or remove elements, and tailor the template as needed. Once you’re done, you can save it for future use.

How to Use Smartsheet for Project Management - SFS (2024)


Can you use Smartsheet for project management? ›

Regardless of the size or complexity of your project, Smartsheet provides a real-time view of tasks across entire projects. That's why companies around the world rely on Smartsheet as their project management tool.

How to effectively use Smartsheet? ›

To use Smartsheet to manage a project, you would first need to create a project plan that outlines the different tasks and milestones involved in the project, along with any dependencies and constraints. You can then use the tool to assign tasks to team members, set deadlines, and track the progress of each task.

Is Smartsheet good for Agile project management? ›

How Smartsheet Makes Agile Planning Easy. From simple task management and project planning to complex resource and portfolio management, Smartsheet helps you improve collaboration and increase work velocity -- empowering you to get more done.

Is Smartsheet good for task management? ›

Smartsheet is an easy-to-use, online task management software, that will enable your company to be more productive than ever.

Does Smartsheet have a Gantt chart? ›

Gantt View is one of the four ways to view your sheet in Smartsheet and offers a visual timeline of your work. Gantt charts are a staple in traditional waterfall project management but can be used anytime you want a visual representation of your schedule and the relationships between tasks.

Is Smartsheet better than Excel? ›

Easy work management

Smartsheet has flexible views to display data including grid, card (Kanban), Gantt, and calendar, empowering teams to work together with agility, speed, and accountability. Excel is limited to a grid view, which makes it difficult to plan, track, and report on key workflows.

How hard is Smartsheet? ›

In theory, Smartsheet shouldn't have a steep learning curve. Unfortunately, that's not the case. The interface isn't very user-friendly, which can make it challenging to chart and analyze data. Unless you're generating reports, there's no real easy way to analyze the sheets at-a-glance.

What can you automate with Smartsheet? ›

Whether it's sending an alert to your team, setting up a reminder about upcoming deadlines, requesting updates or approvals, locking or unlocking rows, recording a date, assigning a task, or changing a cell value, automation has you covered.

Is Smartsheet a Kanban? ›

Smartsheet is an online work execution platform with a robust Kanban view that enables project managers to easily visualize and collaborate on workflows.

Is Smartsheet a competitor of Jira? ›

No, they are two different platforms. Jira is a software development tool and Smartsheet is designed for work management.

What's better Monday or Smartsheet? › is easier to use, but more expensive for small teams and not as scalable. Smartsheet, on the other hand, is an enterprise powerhouse that's capable of anything you throw at it. With dozens of add-ons and additional products, there's always more room to grow if you need it.

What are the limitations of Smartsheet? ›

Handling large datasets is one major limitation. For instance, Smartsheet has limited storage and cell values, with a maximum of 20,000 rows, 400 columns, and 500,000 cells per sheet. Smartsheet is also a proprietary/closed-source software that can't be self-hosted.

What do you dislike best about Smartsheet? ›

smartsheet has the most robust features for project portfolio management but it lacks offline access.

What problems does Smartsheet solve? ›

Smartsheet lets you plan, track, automate, and report on projects, with everything you need in one place. Everyone involved can see exactly what needs to be done to keep a project on track. And with an overview of all projects, you can instantly see the health of your business and reliably predict results.

How Smartsheets is different from Excel project management? ›

The main difference between Excel and Smartsheet is that Excel is a spreadsheet tool for organizing data and performing financial analysis for both small and large companies, while Smartsheet is a spreadsheet-style project management solution for businesses of all sizes.

Does Smartsheet integrate with Microsoft Project? ›

More integrations

Smartsheet has dozens of pre-built integrations, so you can easily connect all the tools you already use. Microsoft Project has Native OData integration (only in the Premium SKU) and a limited selection of add-ins. With Smartsheet for Jira now, all of our reports are in one place.

What can Smartsheet be used for? ›

Smartsheet lets you plan, track, automate, and report on projects, with everything you need in one place. Everyone involved can see exactly what needs to be done to keep a project on track. And with an overview of all projects, you can instantly see the health of your business and reliably predict results.

Can you convert Smartsheet to Microsoft Project? ›

Export to Microsoft Project

Open the sheet you want to export. On the toolbar, switch the sheet to Gantt View. Select File > Export > Export to MS Project to download the sheet in XML format.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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