A trial by a jury of one's peers is among the fundamental democratic ideals of our nation. It is the duty and responsibility of all qualified citizens to participate as jurors.
In order for the justice process to be fair, equal and accessible to all, judicial officers and jurors must consider the cases before them in a way that is thoughtful, involves sound judgment, is impartial and fair, and demonstrates integrity.
In each trial, the judicial officer determines the rules of law that govern the case. For example, the judicial officer decides what evidence may be presented and admitted during the trial. After listening carefully and considering all of the testimony and evidence presented, jurors receive instructions from the judicial officer as to the laws that apply to the case. At this time, the responsibility switches to the jurors and they decide which facts in the case are most credible and then apply the law as instructed by the judicial officer in order to reach a verdict.
"Serving on a jury is a memorable experience and truly an honor."
Former Juror Adam C.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING COVID-19 - The Court has a constitutional duty to remain open to serve the needs of the community to the greatest extent possible, even in the face of a potential COVID-19 outbreak. However, the Court is working with counsel and litigants to minimize the need to call in jurors, reduce the number of jurors summoned and comply with CDC and Marin County Public Health guidelines concerning safe distances and assemblies. The Court is also granting requests for deferrals and postponements remotely -- even for jurors who have previously made such a request -- for all potential jurors who are high risk or under medical or other business directives. The Court will continue to monitor the situation and will make ongoing adjustments as the direction of Marin County Public Health and the needs of the community dictate. Jurors who are not feeling well are encouraged to stay home and may contact Jury Services to reschedule their jury duty. You can postpone your jury duty electronically by logging into the jury system using your Juror ID and PIN provided to you on your jury summons. Jury clerks are also available by phone at (415) 444-7120, between the hours of 1:00 to 3:00 PM, and by email at jury@marin.courts.ca.gov.
FRAUD ALERT - The State of California has issued public warnings about calls from individuals claiming to be court officials or law enforcement officers regarding jury service. The Court DOES NOT call, e-mail, or send letters requesting money or personal identifying information regarding jury service. If you are concerned that you are being targeted by this scam, please contact our Jury Services Division at (415) 444-7120 or send us an email at jury@marin.courts.ca.gov.
What Is a Jury Trial?
During a trial, the judicial officer serves as the Court's presiding officer and is the final authority on questions of law. The lawyers act as advocates for their clients. Jurors listen to opening statements and closing arguments presented by the lawyers and also learn about and weigh the evidence that is introduced during the trial. After hearing all of the evidence and arguments, jurors retire to a private room to begin their deliberations. The purpose of juror deliberations is to allow the jurors to make a decision about the questions presented in the case and then render a verdict.
Juries are called to hear two types of cases: civil and criminal.
- Civil cases involve disputes between people or organizations. They may involve property or personal rights, such as landlord/tenant issues, personal injury, contract disputes, and employment rights.
- Criminal cases are tried on behalf of the People of the State of California and are usually prosecuted by the District Attorney's Office. Prosecutors file criminal cases against individuals accused of committing crimes.
Selection of a Jury
When a jury trial is about to begin, the judicial officer requests a panel of prospective jurors to be sent to the courtroom from Jury Services so that the jury selection process can begin. After reporting to a courtroom, the prospective jurors are first asked to swear that they will truthfully answer all questions asked regarding their qualifications to serve as jurors in the case.
The law permits the judicial officer and attorneys to excuse individual jurors from service for various reasons. If a lawyer wants to have a juror excused, he or she must use a "challenge" to excuse the juror. Challenges can be "for cause" - meaning that a reason is stated - or "peremptory" - meaning that no reason is required by the Court. The process of questioning and excusing jurors continues until 12 persons are chosen as jurors for the trial. Alternate jurors may also be selected. The judicial officer and attorneys agree that these jurors are qualified to decide impartially and intelligently the factual issues in the case. When the selection of the jury is complete, the jurors take an oath, promising to reach a verdict based only upon the evidence presented in the trial and the Court's instructions about the law.
The duty and responsibility of every juror is as important as the judicial officer's in making sure that justice is done. For more information regarding jury service in California, click here.
Most jury trials last 3 - 7 days, but some may go longer. The trial judge will advise you of the length of the trial. If you are assigned to a case, you will be required to serve until the trial is completed. Generally, if you are not selected for a trial, your jury service will be completed in one day.
How can I get permanently excused from jury duty in California? ›
The process for requesting a permanent medical excuse from jury service is as follows: (1) An applicant must submit to the jury commissioner a written request for permanent medical excuse with a supporting letter, memo, or note from a treating health care provider.
What happens if you miss a jury summons in California? ›
Failure to Appear
You must report for jury service if you are qualified and you have not been excused or had your service postponed. Any person who fails to respond may be fined up to $1,500, incarcerated, or both. Carefully follow the instructions on the summons and contact the court if you need help.
How to check jury duty status online in California? ›
You can find out if you need to report for jury service by logging in to eJuror On-line. You'll need your 9 digit Juror Participant Number located on the front of your Summons for Jury Service. Once you log in, click on the Current Status link on the left side of the web page.
How many hours a day is jury duty in California? ›
Juror hours are 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise informed by court personnel. Jurors reporting to the Central Justice Center should arrive at the courthouse by 7:45 a.m. unless otherwise instructed by the voice/web call in message.
What do you wear to jury duty in California? ›
Business attire is strongly suggested. Ties are not required. Jurors should not wear shorts, mini-skirts, tank tops, flip-flops, or hats (except for religious purposes). Jurors who are not appropriately dressed will be sent home and ordered to appear for jury service on a future date.
What is the best excuse for jury duty? ›
A prospective juror may be excused if he/she:
- Has a physical or mental disability that would prevent him/her from serving. ...
- Must provide actual and necessary care for another and alternate arrangements are not feasible. ...
- Is unable to read or understand the English language.
- Over 75 years of age.
How many times can you defer jury duty California? ›
You may postpone your jury service two times within one year from your initial report date. You may request postponement of your jury service online after submitting your online questionnaire. If you have already postponed your jury service two times, you may not request an additional postponement.
What excludes you from jury duty in California? ›
Excuse from Service
Reasons you may be excused from jury service include: You have no means of transportation. You would have to travel an excessive distance to the courthouse. You have a physical or mental impairment.
What if I am sick the day of jury duty in California? ›
Important Message from the Jury Commissioner's Office
Stay Home if you are Sick - If you are scheduled for jury service and are ill, please contact the Jury Office at (916) 874-7775 or by requesting a postponement or excuse from jury service online.
Reporting instructions
Any jurors not needed during their service week will be excused. Reporting jurors are encouraged to bring their own bottled water, as coffee and tea will not be provided in the Jury Assembly Rooms and Jury Deliberation Rooms.
At what age are you exempt from jury duty in California? ›
If you are 70 years of age or older, the California Rules of Court allow you to be excused due to a medical condition without a doctor's note. You must inform the court that you are not able to serve either by calling the Jury Commissioner at (530) 251-8228 or by submitting form LSC-JUR-101 to the court.
How can I get out of jury duty California? ›
Requesting an Excuse
- Physical or Mental Disability. You must fully explain your situation in a letter addressed to the court and mail to the court in the self-addressed envelope provided. ...
- Child Care / Care of a Dependent. ...
- Language. ...
- Distance. ...
- Financial / Business / Employment Hardship.
Why do I keep getting summoned for jury duty California? ›
Names for potential jurors are randomly drawn from voter registration lists obtained from the Secretary of State of California and from lists of driver's license/identification cards obtained from the California Department of Motor Vehicles.
How much do you get paid for jury duty in California? ›
Prospective jurors are paid the amount mandated by the State Legislature, $15.00 per day and $0.34 per mile, roundtrip for the second day of service and every day thereafter. There is no pay for the first day of service. Service is defined as physically reporting to the courthouse.
How are jury members selected in California? ›
As prospective jurors are needed for specific trials or grand juries, jury pools are randomly selected from the list of qualified participants. Panels of prospective jurors are then randomly selected for each jury trial.
Do all 12 jurors have to agree in a civil case in California? ›
In a civil case, the judge will tell you how many jurors must agree in order to reach a verdict. In a criminal case, the unanimous agreement of all 12 jurors is required.
How does call in jury duty work in California? ›
Be assigned to on-call or standby jury service. The juror telephones the court or visits a Web site to determine if they must appear in person. A potential juror may serve no more than 1 day on on-call service or 5 days on standby telephone service. The option selected for the juror varies by court.
Does your job have to pay you for jury duty California? ›
A. Employers are not required by law to compensate employees while they serve on a jury, but many do. These employers recognize that without juries our legal system will come to a halt and that financial hardship may discourage employees from fulfilling their civic duty.