Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)

Gorton expects congressional hearings on shuttle explosion "He will be remembered as a hero and a pioneer on the frontier of space," Evans said. Other Pacific Northwest lawmakers joined in the tribute to the Challenger crew. "This is a national tragedy," said Rep. Tom Foley, his voice choking. "Every American has a sense of personal loss and wants somehow to communicate their feelings of sadness and sympathy to the families of these heroic astronauts." Gorton said that with McAuliffe's death, sending, on space missions reconsidered.

"We will certainly have to look at the question very seriously," he said. Gorton said he agreed with the plan, "as NASA did itself," which so far has sent a senator and a ber of the House into space. McAllliffe was the first non-government employee to go on a mission. "Everyone concerned had to recognize that we ran risks," Gorton said. "We have had only twentysome such missions.

We're still in a very experimental program." He, Evans and Foley agreed that the space tragedy will not result in ending or substantially reducing the space "I think programil probably have the opposite effect," Foley said. He noted that floor speeches after the accident centered on praising the heroism of the astronauts and expressing condolences to their families. But he said they also emphasized that "their tragedy should not deter us from continuing the pioneering role of the United States in was a sense that their sacrifice would be diminished if we took it upon ourselves now to cancel the program or to cut back on it because there was a tragedy of this kind," Foley said. Gorton, chairman of the Science, Technology and Space subcommittee of the Senate Commerce Committee, headed by Sen. John C.

Danforth, when pressed on the subject of holding hearings, said: "Certainly I have not to discuss a schedule with Senator Danforth or with anyone else." However, he said, he had his subcommittee staff check into it, and found that a predecessor committee held "extensive hearings" nearly 20 years ago after fatal NASA accident, which took three lives on an Apollo mission launch pad. "It's hard for me to conceive that would engage in, exactly that kind note search here," Gorton said. "It's important for us. It's important for NASA. And it's important for the public as a whole." Americans in grieving over this shocking event," McClure said.

"Those who flew aboard the Challenger, and their families, are in our deepest Sen. Steve Symms, R-Idaho, said he was "shocked," and took particular note of teacher Christa McAuliffe. "My heart goes out to the families of the astronauts and to the friends of Christa McAuliffe who were at the Space Center to view the launch," Symms said. Gorton, chairman of the Senate's oversight subcommittee on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, would head the probe for the Senate, but said he had "certainly not started to even discuss a schedule." Gorton refused to discuss implications of the fatal space accident until he joined his colleagues in expressing sorrow for the "seven highly skilled and brave young Americans" who lost their lives. "Today I think our principal should be on these individuals," a red-eyed Gorton said at a news conference Tuesday.

"Our thoughts and prayers should be with them and with their families and with everyone who played a role in this mission." He was joined by Sen. Dan Evans, who said he felt "personal shock and sadness." "The pain is very close to home with the knowledge that the captain of the shuttle Challenger, Francis R. (Dick) Scobee, is from the state of Washington," Evans said. "My deepest sympathy goes to Captain Scobee's family and the families of the entire Challenger crew." Gorton and Evans said they tried to reach Scobee's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Francis W. Scobee, who live in Yakima, but found they had gone to Cape Canaveral to watch the illfated liftoff. Scobee, a member of the crew of the 11th space shuttle mission, appeared before Gorton's committee in May 1984, and was intro- Senate will "look at this entire terrible tragedy in great detail to learn all we possibly can from it, in order to prevent its occurrence again." Gorton said the oversight hearings on the Apollo tragedy were "obviously quite successful" because no accident "remotely comparable to that has taken place since in fact we're using a different technology now." He said he did not know how long the current space shuttle program would be delayed of the new accident, but indicated it would not be resumed until after the hearings. "I don't even know" whether another shuttle will take off this year, he said. Part of the investigation, he said, will be to see "whether or not (the accident) had something to do with the quality of work by NASA employes or its contractors, but I just can't anticipate what that judgment will be." Gorton said his subcommittee, "within the next few weeks or months," will have to decide whether to recommend building a replacement for the Challenger, at a cost of $2.2 billion.

NASA still has three operable shuttles, but it will need a fourth to stay anywhere near the schedule it has set out for space launches, he said. Even if Congress and the president agree to build a new shuttle, it probably can't be completed, tested and put into operation before 1990, he said. Gorton said at least four shuttles would be needed to support and supply the proposed permanent U.S. space station, which he had hoped to see in operation by 1993. The accident, he said, may delay the space station because of the time needed to build a shuttle and because funds may have to be diverted from the space station for the new shuttle.

Evans and Gorton agreed the accident would not result in the space program being turned over to the military. "I doubt very much that there's any significant number in the Senate who would opt for a militarized space program and a withering in any respect of NASA or the civilian orientation of the program," Evans said. Gorton said he felt "glory in the way we have operated our space program in the United States. We have a very, very public, strictly civilian space program, quite separate from any military uses of space. would not ever change that and I don't believe there will be any sentiment in Congress for such a duced to Evans then.

He said he expects the House and change." Tragedy changes shuttle lesson By Dick Moody and Erik P. Smith Staff writers C.J. Olson, a 12-year-old seventhgrader at Sacajawea Junior High School, "couldn't believe it" as he watched on television as space shuttle Challenger disappeared in a ball of fire. But Olson, a member of the school's Young Astronauts Program, said the worst disaster in the nation's space program hasn't altered his ambition to be an astronaut. "It was horrible, but it was just one he said.

"You have to learn from your mistakes. "You can't stop now. You just keep going on, no matter what happens," Olson said. The 2-year-old Young Astronauts Program a local chapter of a national school club organization has 25 student-members Sacajawea. Club adviser and social studies teacher Garry Ratliff said he was prepared to use the two lessons astronaut-teacher Christa McAuliffe was going to teach from space "The Ultimate Field and "Where We've Been, Where We're Going, Why?" The two one-hour programs were to be televised live by KSPS-TV.

In the first program, backup teacher Barbara Morgan of Idaho was to do a pre-lesson preparation from the Shuttle simulator at the Johnson Spaceflight Center in Houston. Then, from the shuttle Challenger, McAuliffe was to take viewers OBITUARIES John Bowlby By Robert L. Rose Staff writer WASHINGTON Gorton, expects Congress hearings on the tragedy" of the shuttle Challenger's final mission. Sen. James A.

McClure, R-Idaho, called the accident "a tragedy of national "I join all Idahoans and other Sen. Slade said Tuesday I he to hold extensive "entire terrible Gorton Service for John Bowlby, 72, will be at 1 p.m. Friday at Coffelt's Moon Chapel in Sandpoint. Memorial Burial will follow at Pinecrest Park there. Mr.

Bowlby died Monday at his home in Sandpoint. Born Aug. 15, 1913, in Bucklin, he came to Sandpoint in 1936. He worked as a logger and at the Colburn (Idaho) Mill and was a firefighter with the Sandpoint Fire Department, retiring in 1978. He was a past president of the Sandpoint Eagles and a of International Woodworkers of America.

Mr. Bowlby and Genevieve Luckey were married Aug. 14, 1937, in Sandpoint. Survivors include his wife, at the home; son, Dick Bowlby of Bonners some Ferry, Idaho; two daughters, Janice Dombroski of Butte, and Betty Johnson of Sandpoint; one brother; one sister; 11 on a tour of the shuttle, exploring crew members' roles, daily life, the location of controls and computers and experiments being conducted on the flight. She also was to take live phone-in questions from pre-selected students in New Hampshire.

A post-lesson follow-up was to be conducted by Morgan, followed by a special live feed from the Jet Propulsion Laboratories in Palo Alto, detailing the Voyager flyby of Uranus. The second lesson would have had the same pre-lesson and postlesson sessions by Morgan. McAuliffe's lesson was to help viewers understand why people use and explore space by demonstrating the advantages of manufacturing in the microgravity environment, highlighting technological advances that have evolved through the space program and projecting the future of humans in space. That lesson was to include live ed students in Idaho. phone in questions from pre-selectRatliff was prepared to use those lessons in his classroom, but he said he now will use the shuttle disaster in a different teaching manner.

"We will get together and discuss what happened," he said. "From what we have already learned about the shuttle, we will talk about what might have happened, and why. "We will use all the television news programs, and articles in the newspapers, the best we can to talk about the advantages and dangers of space flight," Ratliff said. grandchildren; and one greatgranddaughter. Mina Slette Service for Mina Slette, 95, a 63- year Sandpoint resident, will be at 1 p.m.

Thursday at First Lutheran Church in Sandpoint. Burial will follow at Pinecrest Memorial Park in Sandpoint with Coffelt's Funeral Service in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Slette, who was born June 20, 1890, in Norway, died Monday at Coeur d'Alene Convalescent Center. She married Anton Slette in Norway in 1910 and they came to the United States in 1913 and to Sandpoint in 1923.

Her husband died in 1972. Survivors include four sons, Osborne Slette of Lewiston, Dick Slette of Coeur d'Alene, Orville Slette of Spokane and Hans Slette of Woodburn, five daughters, Judith Olson of Coeur d'Alene, Christine Roose and Marie Osborn, both of Spokane, Virginia Harvey of Peoplepowerpapers SO SPOKANE CHRONICLE, JAN. 29, 1986 C7 RECORDS BIRTHS Born in Spokane-area hospitals during the 24-hour period ending at 8 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29, 1986: Deaconess To Rick and Robin Mourning, E13321 Ninth, boy (previously reported incorrectly).

Sacred Heart To Wayne Leonard and Vicki Kuhen, W808 Fairview, girl. To Dan and Pamela Simpson, W2920 Sherwood, girl. To Timothy and Colleen Reeves, Spokane, girl. To Mark and Rebecca Lynch, Medical Lake, girl. To Ronald and Rhonda Ulmer, E53 Rich, boy.

To Marc and Jane Graff, W1427 Woodlawn, girl. To Robert and Connie Oakes, Cheney, girl. Valley Hospital and Medical Canter To Kevin and Shelly Sauve, Spokane, boy. Fairchild Air Force Base To Hardy and Tami Schmutzier, Spokane, girl. To William and Karen O'Neill, Spokane, boy.

Holy Family To David and Carol Schmidt, Spokane, girl, To Richard and Sandra Meyer, Spokane, girl. KOOTENAI COUNTY TRAFFIC Callen J. Ross, 28, Forsyth, driving under the influence; $500 fine ($300 suspended), 10 days in jail (eight suspended), 30-day cense suspension. Nicholos H. Dyer, 62, Cataldo, Idaho; driving under the influence; $500 fine ($200 suspended), four months in jail (all suspended), 120- day license suspension.

Fred D. Brown, 58, Rathdrum, Idaho; driving under the influence; $500 fine, 10 days in jail (eight suspended), 90-day license suspension. COMPLAINTS California Student Aid Commission vs. Deborah Shore, seeking $5,904. Lisa Bennett vs.

Terry Herr, seeking $553. North Idaho Credit Corp. vs. Greg Sorbel, seeking $265. North Idaho Credit Corp, vs.

Frank Pope, seeking $708. Material Distributors Inc. vs. David L. Larson and Paul F.

Lande, seeking $9,257. JUDGMENTS Credit Bureau of Shoshone County Inc. vs. Amos Dean, award of $1,177. North Idaho Credit Corp.

vs. James Schiavone, award of $662. North Idaho Credit Corp. vs. Linda L.

Stapler, award of $759. Credit Bureau of Shoshone County Inc. vs. Jeff R. Johnson, award of $365.

Linda S. Henderson vs. David Deeds, award of $4,500. Curtis Celestino vs. Dennis Osburn, award of $3,987.

Divine's Idaho Fence Co. Inc. vs. Clyde Teel, award of $3,639. DISMISSALS Harold L.

Hollon vs. Robert C. Brockway. James E. Troutman vs.

Connie Stockton. Arnold B. Davidson vs. Davidson and Foote Properties. Schindler Electric Supply Inc.

vs. James Hodge. Hours Front Counter 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F Phone Board 7 a.m.

to 6 p.m. M-F 6 p.m. deadline for next-day insertion. After 6 p.m. for two day later insertion.

Closed Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. To Place An Ad Spokane Area 838-4664 Within Washington (8 a.m. to 6 p.m.) 1-800-225-2053 Oregon, Idaho, Montana and California (8 a.m. to 6 p.m.) 1-800-338-8801 Coeur d'Alene Office 515 North 4th Street Sandpoint Office 100 North First Avenue The Biggest Store In Town Classified, The Biggest Store in Town, is filled with the best bargains. 1 LEGAL NOTICES CLERK OF THE BOARD by Rosanne Montague, Deputy Clerk AB9 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT NUMBER SIX SPOKANE, WASHINGTON NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS re: HIGHWAY PROJECT GRANITE LAKE REST AREA DEMOLITION CALL FOR BIDS In compliance with the requirements of Title 47 of the Revised Code of Washington, sealed bids will be received by the Washington State Department of Transportation, at the office of the District Administrator, North 2714 Mayfair Street, Spokane, Washington, until 10:00 a.m.

on February 26, 1986, and will then be opened and publicly read. The proposed contract requires demolition of rest area buildings and appurtenances, grading to a natural appearance, and other related work, all in accordance with the plans and specifications contained in the bidding documents. Plans, specifications, and bidding documents may be examined at the Spokane Construction Council, East 102 Boone Avenue, Spokane, Washington; the Associated General Contractors, East 4935 Trent Avenue, Spokane, Washington; Plan the Center, Minority Contractor's 852 Summit Spokane, Washington; Associated Builders Contractors, P.O. Box 3787, Spokane, Washington; Minority Supplies Contractors, P.O. Box 22200, Seattle, Washington; and may be obtained for "No at the Department of Transportation District office at the above address.

A91 SEALED BIDS will be received by Spokane County, Washington, until 11:00 A.M. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1986 at which time they will be opened in the Office of the Board of County Commissioners and publicly read aloud for furnIshing the following: 86-016 FURNISH AND INSTALL HIGH RATE SAND FILTER SYSTEM AT HOLBERG POOL AS PER SPECIFICATIONS THE BOARD hereby notifies all bidders that it affirmatively insures minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and no person or organization shall be discriminated against on the grounds of race, religion, color, age, sex or national origin in consideration for an award issued pursuant to this advertisem*nt. THE BOARD reserves the right to reject any or all bids, portion or parts thereof and to waive all minor irregularities in bidding. A copy of the bid is on file with the Clerk of the Board in the County Commissioners' Office. PROPOSAL SHALL BE SEALED and clearly marked with the words "BID PROPOSAL BY, the BID NO.

86-016 and the time and date of bid opening. BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED on a special form which may be obtained from the Purchasing Department. APPROVED BY THE BOARD this 28 day of January, 1986. CLERK OF THE BOARD WILLIAM E. DONAHUE by Rosanne Montague, Deputy Clerk A94 8 LODGES CONCORDIA Lodge KWed Jan 29, 1986 2nd Degree 7:30 Ken Davis WM DA Thompson Sec 11 SERVICES CEMETERIES, LOTS 2 LOTS Spokane Memorial Gardens, with Vaults.

Worth over $1500, sell for $950. 238-6625 William A. Lilienthal; Sister of Geraldine Leroy, Tucson, AZ. 68 year resident of the area. HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME, N1306 MONROE ST.

in charge. PARKINS, Earl M. Passed away January 28, 1986. Survived by Laura (Grashio) Parkins," at the home; two daughters, Caralee Klenk, Montague, MI, Loralee Barks, Spokane; five grandchildren, three great-grandchildren; three brothers, Arlie Parkins, Marsing, ID, Vern Parkins, Portland, OR, Bill Parkins, Clarkston, WA; one sister, Mrs. Louis (Greta) Paris, Culdesac, ID; numerous nieces and nephews.

Member of Our Lady of Fatima Cathollc Church. Memorials to Mater Del Institute. Funeral SMITH pending FUNERAL HOME, at HENNESSEY N2203 DIVISION ST. 12 DEATHS BINGHAM, Ellis C. Passed away January 27, 1986.

Rosetta Survived by his wife, Bingham, Ronald at the home; two sons, W. Bingham, Grand Coulee, WA, Gary E. Bingham, Richland, Geraldine WA; two daughters, May, Boise, ID, Mrs. Bill (Joyce) Morlin, Spokane; Mother, Frances Bingham, Logan, UT; two brothers, Ruion Bingham, Almaga, UT, Melvin Bingham, Las Vegas, NV; three sisters, Doris Olsen, Providence, UT, Lois Smith, Ina Smith, both of Ogden, UT. Member of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Cheney Ward.

Funeral pendIng at HENNESSEY SMITH DIVIFUNERAL HOME, N2203 SION ST. in charge. LILIENTHAL, Lucile F. Passed away January 26, 1986 in Spokane. Mother of Elgin McLay, Spokane, Donald M.

Lilienthal, Great Falls, MT; three grandchildren, three grandchildren; preceded in death by her husband, 13 FUNERALS BINGHAM. Ellis C. Passed away January 27, 1986. Rosetta Survived by his wife, Bingham, at the home; two sons, Ronald W. Bingham, Grand Coulee, WA, Gary E.

Bingham, Richland, WA; two daughters, Geraldine May, Boise, ID, Mrs. Bill (Joyce) Morlin, Spokane; Mother, Frances Bingham, Logan, UT; two brothers, Ruion Bingham, Almaga, UT, Melvin three Bingham, Las Vegas, NV; sisters, Doris Olsen, Providence, UT, Lois Smith, Ina Smith, both of Ogden, UT. Member of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Cheney Ward. Funeral Service, Thursday, January 30, 1986 at 11 a.m. Sunset Chapel, Fairmount Memorial Park, W5000 Wellesley, Lindel Burns, officiating.

Interment, Fairmount Memorial Park. HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N2203 DIVISION ST. in charge. DIETRICH, Agnes P. Entered into rest 26, 1986 at her home, Spokane.

Survived her husband, E. Ernest Dietrich, at the home; one son, Robert E. Dietrich, Spokane; two sisters, Pearl Devine, CA, Irene George, Spokane; one grandson, Thomas E. Dietrich, CA. Member of Audubon Chapter Order of Eastern Star Charter member Ladies Oriental Shrine, Memorial Service, Friday, January 31, 1986 at 1 p.m.

CHAPEL OF FLOWERS, RIPLINGER FUNERAL HOME, N4305 DIVISION ST. Rev. John Tusant, officiating. Audubon Chapter OES, participating. Cremation preceded.

Family suggest memorials may be made to American Heart S11 Washington, Spokane, 99204. DUNCAN, D. Everett Entered into rest January 28, 1986. Survived by two sisters, Hazel Knudson, Spokane, Alice Sackett, Sunnyvale, CA; one brother, Earl Duncan, Snohomish, WA; two nieces, Barbara McMath, Spokane, Doris Hovland, Spokane Valley. Cremation, No Services at his request.

Memorials may be made to charity of donors choice. RIPLINGER FUNERAL HOME, N4305 DIVISION ST. in charge. GROOM, Robert G. Sr.

tered Into rest January 26, 1986 in Spokane. His home, Spokane. Survived by four daughters, Debra Groom, Spokane, Robin Norman, Spokane, Beverly, Doidge, Pensacola, FL, Christine Smith, Spokane; one son, Robert G. Groom Spokane; three sisters, Virginia Johnson, Redmond, OR, Beverly Perrin, Palo Alto, CA, Hazel Morse, Diamond Lake, WA; three brothers, Raymond Groom, Deer Park, WA, Walter Groom, Spokane, Glenn Groom, Newport, WA; nine grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews, cousins. Member of Disabled American Veterans, retired from US Air Force.

Funeral Service, Friday, January 31, 1986 at 10 FLOWERS, a.m. CHAPEL OF RIPLINGER FUNERAL HOME, N4305 DIVISION ST. Chaplain, Martinez, USAF, officiating. Interment, Greenwood Memorial Terrace. HANSEN, Mary E.

(Ede) Passed away January 26, 1986 In Spokane. Member of Eastern Star, Telephone Pioneers. Memorials may be made to First Presbyterian Church, S318 Cedar, Spokane, 99204. Memorial Service, Thursday, January 30, 1986 at 2:30 p.m. IRIS CHAPEL, HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N2203 DIVISION ST.

Rev. Ray Smith, officiating. Cremation preceded. Memorials may be made to First Presbyterian Church, S318 Cedar, Spokane, 99204. 13 FUNERALS Penny L.

Matteucci from Laurence A. Matteucci. Linda Krueger from William Krueger. DIVORCES GRANTED Walter E. Melior from Claudia A.

Melior. Sandra S. Dewey from Howard D. Dewey. Debra L.

Seher from Paul A. Seher. Jeffrey A. Ormesher from Debra D. Ormesher.

Helen D. Moore Jones from Raymond H. Jones. MARRIAGE LICENSE John A. Webber, of Tonasket, and Darla R.

Eygabroad, of Spokane. POLICE BLOTTER Coeur d'Alene Police DIVORCES FILED Officials at Timberlane Association on Timberlane reported the theft of plywood worth $360 Monday. Robin R. Morris reported a stereo worth $400 taken from a car on North Seventh. Donna M.

Miles reported a color television worth $259 taken from her house on Lakeside. ACCIDENTS A vehicle driven by Robert M. Cunningham, Post Falls, sustained major damage in a one-car accident Monday on Interstate 90. Minor Injuries were reported. A vehicle driven by Todd M.

Bravo, Hayden, sustained minor damage and a parked vehicle owned by Tracy L. Knoke, Hayden Lake, sustained major damage in an accident Tuesday at Westwood and Ferndale. BONNER COUNTY SUITS FILED Sandpoint Credit Bureau Inc. vs. Bruce and Kathy Shirley, $111.95 claimed owing.

Sandpoint Credit Bureau Inc.vs. Lance Marley, $1,086.32 claimed owing. Sandpoint Credit Bureau Inc. vs. Don and Dorothy Anderson, $375.30 claimed owing.

Sandpoint Credit Bureau Inc. vs. Kathy Dickerson, $894.29 claimed owing. Sandpoint Credit Bureau Inc. vs.

Harold Knapp, $869.95 claimed owing. Sandpoint Credit Bureau Inc. vs. Layne Brewer, $2,486.59 claimed owing. Katherine Wheeler vs.

Dennis Clark, $6,700.00 claimed owing. City of Sandpoint vs. John and Anna Topp, $195 claimed owing for traffic violations. City of Sandpoint vs. Robert Walburn, $215 claimed owing for traffic violations.

City of Sandpoint vs. Kim and Helen Benefield, $130 claimed owing for traffic violations. City of Sandpoint vs. L.J. and Faye R.

Stevens, $130 claimed owing for traffic violations. National Association of Credit Management vs. Paul A. and Hallie Webber and Jeanne and James Gardin, d.b.a. Discount Flooring, $5,071.08 claimed owing.

DIVORCE FILED Lynn Vibber from Roc Vibber. POLICE BLOTTER Bonner County Sheriff's Office Dustin Weinand, 40, of Sandpoint, was arrested Monday on two warrants for alleged malicious injury to property and ACCIDENTS Two Oregon women were treated and released from Bonner General Hospital at Sandpoint following one-vehicle rollover at 8:22 a.m. Tuesday on U.S. Highway 95 near Cocolalla. Driver Anne Lawrence and her daughter, Katherine Lawrence, both of Aloha, were injured, officers reported.

The vehicle Lawrence was driving sustained $8,000 in damages. A one-vehicle injury accident involving Charlene Brown occurred at about 1 a.m. Tuesday on U.S. Highway 2 near Albeni Hill. Further details were unavailable.

No injuries were reported in 8 one-vehicle accident involving Deanna M. Nygaard of Calgary, Alberta, Monday at 7:08 p.m. on Highway 95 near Elmira. Her vehicle reportedly slid off the icy highway and struck a telephone pole, causing $1,500 damage to the vehicle. A non-injury, one-vehicle accident Involving Alvin Hunt of Sandpoint took place at 6:20 p.m.

Monday on Highway 95 on the Sandpoint Long Bridge. Damages were estimated at $3,000. (CLASSIFIED) The Peoples Place: NOTICES 1-49 50-99 FINANCIAL REAL ESTATE 100-199 RENTALS 200-299 EMPLOYMENT 300-349 JOBS WANTED 350-399 MISCELLANEOUS 400-499 AUTOMOTIVE 500-600 CALL 838-4664 for Want Ad Service a.m. --6 p.m. Mon.

through Fri. COUNTER SERVICE HOURS 8 a.m. -5 p.m. Daily Classified Dept. Closed Sat.

Sun. NOTICES 1-49 LEGAL NOTICES CALL FOR BIDS SEALED BIDS will be received by Spokane County, Washington, until 11:00 A.M. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1986 at which time they will be opened in the Office of the Board of County Commissioners and publicly read aloud for furnishing the following: CALL FOR BID NO. 86-012 FURNISH INSTALL SOFTBALL BACKSTOPS AT EAST VALLEY NORTHWOOD JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS CONFORMING TO SPECIFICATIONS THE BOARD hereby notifies all bidders that it affirmatively insures minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and no person or organization shall be discriminated against on the grounds of race, religion, color, age, sex or national origin in consideration for an award issued pursuant to this advertisem*nt. THE BOARD reserves the right to reject any or all bids, portion or parts thereof and to waive all minor irregularities in bidding.

A copy of The bid is on file with the Clerk of the Board in the County Commissioners' Office. EACH PROPOSAL SHALL BE SEALED and clearly marked with the words "BID PROPOSAL the BID NO. 86-012 and the time. and date of bid opening. MUST BE SUBMITTED on a special form which may be obtained from the Purchasing Department.

APPROVED BY THE BOARD this 21 dav of Januarv. 1986. JARRETT, George Dalton (74) Passed away January 26, 1986 Apache Junction, AZ. Formerly of Spokane and Former Owner of Crestline Auction. Survived by two daughters, Judy M.

Brown, Nancy D. Potter, both of Spokane; two sons. Ronald Jarrett, Gary Jarrett, both of Apache Junction, AZ; 12 grandchildren. Private Funeral Service, Cremation in Apache Junction, AZ. KOCHMAN, Michael Paul Passed away January 27, 1986 at his home, Spokane Valley, Son of Mr.

Mrs. Paul Kochman, at the home; Brother of Jeffrey Joseph Kochman, Sidney, Australia, Paul James Kochman, Kennewick, WA; Grandson of Mrs. Margaret Blum, Pullman, WA; numerous aunts, uncles, cousins. 20 year resident. Graduate of West Valley High School.

Graveside Service, Friday, January 31, 1986 at 11 a.m. Pines Cemetery, Rev. Maynard Johnson, officiating. Burlal, Pines Cemetery. HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME, N1306 PINES RD.

in charge. MARPLE, Esther (76) of Oakesdale, WA. Passed away January 28, 1986 in Albuquerque, NM. Survived -by one son, Robert Marple, Kennewick, WA; one daughter, Mrs. June Hyden, Albuquerque, NM; four sisters, Lillie Smith, Cincinnati, OH, Gladys Johnson, Colfax, WA, Violette Graham, Deer Park, WA, Jeanne Painter, Cheney, WA; five grandchildren; six Member great Oakesdale Presbyterian Church, Eastern Star, Rebekahs.

Funeral Service, Friday, January 31, 1986 at 2 p.m. Community Presbyterian Church, Oakesdale, WA, Rev. Charles Klaudt, officiating. Interment, Oakesdale Cemetery. BRUNING FUNERAL HOME, Colfax, WA In charge.

MATTESON, Calvin Passed away January 24, 1986 in Spo- Fakane. His home, Spokane. ther of Marthana Kaszuba, Richmond, Ontario, Marc Matteson, US Navy, FL; seven grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews; five sisters. Army Veteran WWII. FUneral Service, Thursday, January 30, 1986 at 10 a.m.

GOTHIC CHAPEL, HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME, N1306 MONROE Rev. Fred Reidy S.J., officiating. OLSON, Edwin V. "Ed" (60) Passed away January 28, 1986 in Spokane. His home, Spokane.

Survived by his wife, Maxine Olson, at the home; three daughters and sons-inlaw, Sharon and Nick Richardson, Janice and Drew Potvin, all of Spokane, Karen and Joel Spencer, Huntington Beach, CA; one grandson, Cory Scott Richardson, Spokane. Lifetime resident. Attended Second Church of Christ Scienfists. Member of Spokane' Masonic Lodge FUneral Service, Friday, January 31, 1986 at 11 a.m. ALWIN CHAPEL, HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME, N1306 MONROE ST.

Mr. Richard Mather, Reader. Burial Service, Riverside Memorial Park. OLSON, Harry 0. Passed January 25, 1986.

Survived by one brother, John W. Quillang, Orange City, FL; Close friend, Mary Pryor, Spokane. Funeral Service, Thursday, January 30, 1986 at 3:30 p.m. BALL DODD FUNERAL HOME NORTH, WELLESLEY. Chaplain Jim Bornzin, officiating.

Memorial Interment, Greenwood Terrace. PARKINS, Earl M. Passed away January 28, 1986. Survived by his wife, Laura (Grashio) Parkins, at the home; two daughters, Caralee Klenk, Montague, Mi, Loralee Barks, Spokane; five grandchildren, three great-grandchildren; three brothers, Arlie Parkins, Marsing, ID, Vern Parkins, Portland, OR, Bill Parkins, Clarkston, WA; one sister, Louis (Greta) Paris, Culdesac, ID; numerous nieces and nephews. Member of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church.

Rosary, Thursday, January 1986 at 7 p.m. ROSE CHAPEL, HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N2203 DIVISION ST. Funeral Service, Friday, January 31, 1986 at 11 a.m. Our Lady of Fatime Catholic Church, E1517 33rd, Rev. Paul S.

Vevik, officiating. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. Memorials to Mater Del Institute. PERRYMAN, Marjorie Resident of Colfax, WA. Passed away January 25, 1986 in Colfax, WA.

Survived by her husband, Clifton Perryman, at the home; one son, Roger Perryman, Spokane; one brother, Glen Lemon, Colfax, WA; nine grandchildren; six greatgrandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews. Member of Colfax United Methodist Church Altrua Club, Parvin Grange. Funeral Service, 1 Thursday, January 30, 1986 at p.m. Colfax United Methodist Church, Rev. Ben Moore, officlating.

Interment to follow Colfax Cemetery. Family suggests memorials to Colfax United Methodist Church. BRUNING FUNERAL HOME, Colfax, WA In charge. SLETTE, Mina K. (95) Passed away January 27, 1986 In Coeur d'Alene, ID.

Survived by four sons, Osborne Slette, Lewiston, ID, Dick Slette, Coeur d' Alene, ID, Orville Slette, Spokane, Hans Slette, Woodburn, OR; five daughters, Judith Olson, Coeur d'Alene, ID, Christine Roose, Spokane, Marie Osborn, Spokane, Virginia Harvey, Portland, OR, Ruth Storlie, ID; 22 grandchildren, 43 great-grandchildren; one andchild. Friends may call Wednesday Eves, 7-8 p.m. at Colffelt Funeral Service. Funeral Service, Thursday, January 30, 1986 at 1 p.m. First Lutheran Church, Sandpoint, ID.

Interment, Pinecrest Memorial Park. Memorials may be made to First Lutheran Church, Sandpoint, ID. COFFELT FUNERAL SERVICE, Sandpoint, ID in charge. STORAASLI, George N. Passed away January 27, 1986 in Spokane.

His home, Spokane. Husband of Esther Storaasii, at the home; Father of Darlene Polione, Marilyn Devine, Carol Canfield, all of Spokane; Step-father of Ralph Peterson, Sven Peterson, both of Spokane; ten grandchildren; eight Brother of Gordon Storaasli, Katherine Kirkeby, both of Spokane. Lifetime resident. Retired from Spokane Police Dept. after 28 years.

Member of Eagles Lodge, Sr. Citizens Bowling League. At his request No Services will be held. HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME, N1306 MONROE ST. in charge.

TRIMNELL, William Chester Entered. Into rest January 22, 1986. His home, Spokane. Survived by 'his wife, Carolyn Trimnell, at the home; three daughters, Lois Colson, Portland, OR, Mrs. William (Barbara) Broughton, Muskegon, MI, Carrie Trimnell, Seattle, WA.

No Services will be held at Mr. Trimnell's request. INGER FUNERAL HOME, N4305 DIVISION ST. in charge. WILSON, Alvis Passed away January 27, 1986 in Spokan.

Survived by two daughters, Sharon Dickerson, Drasco, AR, Jewel Kitchens, Roger, AR. Funeral Service will be held in Heber Springs, Arkansas. Interment, Antioch Cemetery, Drasco, Arkansas. FUNERAL HENNESSEY SMITH HOME, N2203 DIVISION ST. 20 LOST REWARD $500 for recovery of tools stolen from Ash Nora Streets, Spokane on Call 509-924-0423 or 208-773-5427, Leo Collins.

REWARD lost in vic. of 5 mi. area since eve of rusty brown Lhasha Apso, male, golden chest, bik tipped ears, long hair, kink in tip of tail. Answers to Hans. Best buddy of heart patient! 327-5816 IF you've found, adopted or bought a young female Boston Terrier in January.

Please call 326-9334 for medical records. PLEASE Help! Missing from Minnehaha area, 4 mo old male BIk tan Germ shep, reward 924-4177, 489-6272. ADULT male Airedale collar, near Crestline Wellesley, 482-7754, 928-1703 Brown bik fem Silky Terrier, NE collar. REWARD, fem. Ger.

Shep. puppy, lost 1-22, Country area, 467-2469 3 Bik Heifers approx 600 lbs ea, face, 1 partial white, near Brownes Mt. 926-4760 Black male Shepherd puppy Rodgers area. Reward 483-2293 Female Japanese Akita, Northtown area 489-0201 GLASSES, wire rimmed, on 21st or 22nd off Pines, 924-4947 LOST: female Siamese cat, 1 yr old. Family pet.

535-8975 WHITE male Cat, Corbin Park area, please call 328-9014. 12 YR old blonde Chihauhau, SCC area, 534-2944 FEMALE Calico, 487-7382 MANX CAT Southside 624-9429 21 FOUND POUND misc. jewelry, call 5pm6pm wkdys to identify 922-2390 Pt collie, yng male, appr 1 yr old, gentle. 926-2285 21 FOUND Indian Trail Area. Approx.

8 yr old small female Siamese, declawed, spayed. 326-2028 PUPPY, male, 8-10wks, no collar, part Vic of 26th Blake, 926-9340 22 SENIOR SERVICES CITIZEN ALZHEIMERS ONLY One opening in private home, 4 yrs experience. 926-4694 Elderly care, pvt rm phone, cable TV, hair care, everything LICENSED Christian home, prvt rooms, loving atmosphere, 24 hr. care, 489-2039. WILL care for elderly lady my Valley home, Excellent care.

Car service 928-0518 Christian care provided in our lic. home. EXP'D care for elderly. My home NW area. 326-7605 Extra nice home, loving care for the elderly.

328-5515, 483-1452 KIND Loving care for elderly, 922-6128 Not ready for nursing home Refs TLC. Priv rm for elderly lady, my home gd food yrs exp 924-8690 WILL take elderly lady into my home, TLC, 299-7855 24 ANNOUNCEMENTS Admission test for membership in MENSA, will be held Sunday Feb 2nd in rm 246, Engineering Bldg, Gonzaga University. The testing session beginning at 12:45 pm, will last approx three hours. Testing fee is $20. For further info, call 747-3510.

MINOT North Dakota class of 1956 Reunion in progress for July 11-13 '86. Contact Dawn (Hagen) 206-228-2715 UNDERCOVERWEAR, you saw it on PM Magazine, now see our lingerie in your home. 226-3070 28 PERSONALS PERSONALIZED DATING SERVICE 326-1683 Spokane, Eastern Washington North Idaho's Largest Most Popular Dating Service. Professional Certified Counselor. Advertising daily on TV, radio, or print, Our members tend to be Above Average Intelligence, Moral Character, Education, Background, Looks Income Level! Established 1981 in Our advice forget the rest sign up with the best! We are based upon Christian Views.

W. 530 Indiana, P.O, 5024, Spokane, WA 99205 ADULT FRONT LINE VIDEO MOVIES ON SALE 2 For $18 up. Adult full color magazines, off cover price. Also available, leather gags, adults novelties. 25c Great new 16 channel video arcades 25c.

Very private only adults only multi-theatres. Visa, MC, AMEX, Cards welcome. Open 24 hrs daily. World Wide Video Stores: N118 Division 747-8268, E4612 Sprague 534-6734, N3818 Division 328-0653. Also Clean Rooms Available Paul Bunyon Motel 535-5921 Free Catalogs 1-800-423-2606 DIVORCE $75 Fee-Uncontested A Lawyer consults with you Lawyer prepares the papers don't have to go to Court.

2,000 Divorces handled is important ALSO BANKRUPTCY CH7 $200 filing fee Uncontested DENNIS M. WALLACE N.910 Washington 326-3600 VALLEY DIVORCE SERVICE UNCONTESTED $75 FILING FEE Consultation paperwork by competent attorneys. Court appearance not required. BENJAMIN PERREY Tupper Building Trent Argonne 922-5345 FOTO DATE Est. 1964 Seen Daily on TV The Sensible Alternative 1986-a new year-make your life Exciting with someone from FOTO DATE The proven way is best Hrs: Mon-Sat 11-6 Sun 12-5 Pho 24 hours 487-2550 N.

6025 Division Spokane PERSONAL INJURY Have you been injured in an automobile accident or injured through the fault of another person? Are you entitled to compensation for these injuries? Call Atty. Victor Felice, 624-4355 for free consultation ALL SINGLES DANCES SAT. FEB 1. 9PM HOLIDAY INN-WEST FAVORITE BAND NO HOST BAR. SPONSORED BY PARENTS PARTNERS 458-5745 NON MEMBERS $5.

YOUR DIET WORKED? Sell those "Too Big" lovelies, and replace them with smart, like new Fashions from The Treasure Trunk- A quality Consignment Shop for Ladies Children, N5525 Alberta, Tues-Sat. 10-5. 325-0536. BANKRUPTCY VALLEY It was his enthusiasm for aerospace programs that sparked the Sacajawea Junior High School program. Before becoming a teacher, Ratliff retired from the Air Force as a major assigned to intelligence work, including projects on the ICBM program.

He was a classmate of astronaut John Fabian, who first went into space aboard shuttle Challenger in June 1983 on a mission that featured astronaut Sally Ride. Fabian took a Sacajawea Junior High School flag and school pin with him into orbit aboard shuttle Discover in June 1985. He presented them to the club, with an autographed photo, after he returned. The flag has since been given to Gov. Booth Gardner for his Olympia office.

Ratliff said all the teachers at Sacajawea "felt a great loss, like it was one of their relatives," with the death of McAuliffe, a teacher from New Hampshire. Even with the disaster, Olson and four other students were unanimous that they wanted to continue in the Young Astronauts Program, and all still hoped to become astronauts themselves. Troy Hook, a 13-year-old seventh-grader, said he was sad about what happened but thinks the risks are worth it to fly into space. "It was kinda awful, but accidents happen in all kinds of jobs," he said. Hook said the thrill of orbiting earth can be surpassed only by one other thing: "I want to meet an alien." Portland and Ruth Storlie of Lewiston; 22 grandchildren; 43 greatgrandchildren; and one great-greatgrandchild.

Howard Applegate Service for Howard Applegate, 81, will be at 11 a.m. Friday at Yates-Hodge Funeral Home in St. Maries. Burial will follow on his land near Calder, Idaho. Mr.

Applegate, who was born Nov. 27, 1904, died Sunday at Merriphew Memorial Hospital in Martinez, Calif. He had lived in Calder since 1962 and was a retired carpenter. Mr. Applegate and Dorothy (Berwick) Jordan were married Nov.

27, 1944, in Alameda, Calif. She died in 1975. Survivors include two stepsons, Jim Jordan of Santa Ynez, and Jack Jordan of Mariposa, one daughter, Joan Eieyet of Alva, one stepdaughter, Joan Jordan of San Franciso; and 12 step-grandchildren. No Charge Initial Consultation Mon-Sat Richard Hayden Attorney at Law 924-9800 BOWLERS Latest ball drilling techniques with satisfaction guaranteed by Tom Pederson at Diamond Bowl Pro Shop, 489-1300 GENTLEMAN 74 would like share comfortable home with lady companion, I'll do the cleaning if she is a good cook. Write box H-3 this paper.

ANYONE witnessing collision between 2 snowplow trucks at 29th Perry on the morning of Jan 3, 1986, please call 534-7040 Appts Deglow Peterson 328-6779 'CONGRATS" JOHN JEANNIE JESSEPH Proud Parents To Be God Bless. Love, INJURY Appts evs-wknds. 24 hr mess no Deglow Peterson 328-6779 ERASE BAD CREDIT PLUS GET 1-800-227-8192, Ext. 895. you need a car, been divorced, or credit problems, can help.

Bruce 326-7777 AJR ACCEPTANCE CO. COMPATAMATCH Call 448-3000! Anytime! PREGNANT? Loving couple seeks baby to Betsy, collect anytime 415-838-7290 in 4 wks. Send SASE to Income Unlimited. Rte 2 Box 10, Colfax Wa 99111 FREE pregnancy tests. Call Birthright.

487-5028 FREE Weight Loss Journal I lost over 80 lbs! 325-3003. ST. Jude my prayers have been answered. DEW 29 TRANSPORTATION TRAVEL ALMOST FREE CAL Auto Drive Away 747-8900 32 GET AWAY FROM IT ALL ATTENTION Tired of paying high prices for airline fares? Now as a broker, we have the best deal ever. If you buy a one way ticket from us to anywhere in the contimental U.S., we will give you the return ticket FREE.

We only have 50. tickets for this opening discount left, so call 466-1512 for reservations now! HONEYMOON SUITES New Managers Discount with this ad. For all occasions. private Spa, hot tubs, cable TV, Kingsport Inn, 21 Sherman, Cd'A, 208-664-8191 Vacation in Palamesa, CA from 1 bdrm condo on golf course. 14 days only $700.

Call T.J, Meenach Sr 535-1416 MAZATLAN ocean front condo, sleeps 6, 4 weeks, Feb. 16-Mar 16, bargain! $250wk 747-3254 35 FITNESS, BEAUTY HEALTH ALL NATURAL PRODUCTS If You Are Really Serious. About Losing Weight Want Guaranfeed Results 535-5627 Lifetime golden Family Fitness Center membership for sale. Call Joe 747-0526. GYM PAK 1500 weight machine.

1-478-3555 Nautilus stomach mach, used 3mos $380 208-773-4723 TRY THE HERBAL DIET NOW! Freedelivery, 326-1390 USED Olympic weights, cast iron, 5.40/1b. 924-5708. 50-99 50 FINANCIAL HELP FAST SERVICE R.E, LOANS Homes bought sold Call NELSON RLTY 467-5427.

Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)


Why is Spokane famous? ›

Spokane is the economic and cultural center of the Spokane metropolitan area, the Spokane–Coeur d'Alene combined statistical area, and the Inland Northwest. It is known as the birthplace of Father's Day, and locally by the nickname of "Lilac City".

What is the Spokane newspaper? ›

The Spokesman-Review is a family-owned, daily newspaper in Spokane, the second-largest city in Washington state and the largest northern city between Minneapolis and Seattle.

What is good about Spokane? ›

With its natural beauty, entertainment, award winning K-12 schools and world class colleges and universities it's no wonder why Spokane continues to grow! The Spokane region is nestled in the stunning Inland Pacific northwest and with four distinct seasons the outdoor actives are limitless!

How old is Spokane Washington? ›

Founded in 1873 by James Nettle Glover, Spokane was first a small settlement known as Spokan Falls (it wouldn't be until 1883 that the "E" was added to Spokan, making the city known as Spokane Falls; in 1891, Falls' was dropped).

Who is a famous woman from Spokane? ›

Nancy Fish was born on 16 March 1938 in Spokane, Washington, USA. She is an actress, known for The Mask (1994), The Exorcist III (1990) and Sudden Impact (1983).

What famous person was born in Spokane, Washington? ›

Craig T. Nelson was born on 4 April 1944 in Spokane, Washington, USA. He is an actor and producer, known for Coach (1989), The Incredibles (2004) and Poltergeist (1982). He has been married to Doria Cook-Nelson since 1987.

What is the history of the Spokane Daily Chronicle? ›

The Spokane Daily Chronicle is a daily digital newspaper in Spokane, Washington. It was founded as a weekly paper in 1881 and grew into an afternoon daily, competing with The Spokesman-Review, which was formed from the merger of two competing papers.

Who owns the Spokane newspaper? ›

It is owned by Cowles Company, which also owns KHQ-TV/Spokane and The KHQ Television Group.

What is the major newspaper in Washington? ›

Washington Post

One of the largest daily newspapers published in Washington, D.C.

What is the richest part of Spokane? ›

Check Out The Top 10 Most Expensive Neighborhoods To Live In Spokane:
  1. Hillyard. With a median home price of $247,955 and a median rent of $939, Hillyard is the most expensive neighborhood on our list. ...
  2. 2. Logan. ...
  3. East Central. ...
  4. North Indian Trail. ...
  5. West Hills. ...
  6. Cliff Cannon. ...
  7. Five Mile Prairie. ...
  8. Latah Hangman.

Is Spokane liberal or conservative? ›

Spokane County is rather conservative for an urban county. It has voted Republican all but three times since 1948. Lyndon Johnson was the last Democrat to win a majority of the county's vote.

Is Spokane a wealthy city? ›

Spokane Valley, located in the eastern part of Washington, had an over 183% increase in high-income households, amounting to over 1,500 between 2021 and 2022. In 2022, the share of households earning $200,000 or more in Spokane Valley was 5.1%, compared to 1.8% the year prior.

What percent white is Spokane? ›

Personal income
Spokane CountyWashington state
Race/ethnicity, 2021
American Indian, Alaskan Native1.8%1.9%
7 more rows

What is the nickname for Spokane WA? ›

Spokane is the second largest city in Washington, while Seattle is the largest. Spokane's nickname is the "Lilac City" because of how many of those flowers grow in the area.

What is Spokane sister city? ›

Spokane has one of the earliest Sister City relationships. In 1961, Spokane formalized an agreement with Nishinomiya, Japan, which continues to this day. Our other Sister Cities include: Jilin City, China (since 1987) Limerick, Ireland (since 1990)

What is interesting about Spokane? ›

The city is named after a Native American Tribe

The word “Spokane” comes from the Salish language spoken by the tribe and means “Children of the Sun” or “Sun People.” The Spokane Tribe has a rich cultural heritage and historical significance in the area, and its influence is reflected in the city's naming.

What is the Spokane Tribe known for? ›

In earlier times, the Spokane Tribe lived on, protected, and respected over three million acres of land. Tribal members fished the Spokane River, the Columbia River, and utilized the grand Spokane Falls as a gathering place of family and friends.

Why is Spokane called the lilac city? ›

The idea to promote Spokane as “The Lilac City” came in the early 1930s when the local garden club was encouraged by community leaders to plant lilac bushes throughout the City. By 1938, there were 144 in Manito Park. The annual Spokane Lilac Festival has been a spring tradition since 1938.

What is the main industry in Spokane? ›

Economic development in the Spokane area primarily focuses on promoting the following industries: manufacturing (especially aerospace manufacturing), health sciences, professional services, information science and technology, finance and insurance as well as clean technology, and digital media.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.