The ties that bind us together - Chapter 1 - Legionnero (2024)

Chapter Text


I have to do many things in my life to make sure rent was paid and that I had food in my belly. A Barista, an online English teacher, a freelance writer, hell I even worked on a farm part-time milking cows. Though truth be told, it wasn't all bad. Some jobs made some really good money and allowed me to keep my apartment for another month. Up until now, I have done everything and anything under the sun to earn a living because unlike many of the men I surround myself with, I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth.

Mine instead was rusted and gnarled but I refused to let it be the death of me. My whole life I was adamant about not letting what I was born into define how my life was going to end. So, once I was finally of legal age and found a job that paid well, I went to the closet, cheapest college, paid for my degree with the money I earned, and even bought a nice apartment.

It was satisfying knowing that even though the work was hard, I could do this. I could make a living for myself and not have to rely on anyone else. But those times never lasted long, and here I was again – selling my soul for more money. Even after working and saving up for so long, money had been hard to come by recently and I was forced to fall back onto what I knew best: escorting.

It was my least favorite job that I had ever done.

I laughed as balding loser men told worn jokes to their bosses, family, or whomever else they needed to coddle up to all while they had no idea that I was paid help. They would parade me around like I was the newest shiniest toy, and I would have to act the part. They used this as a front so that people wouldn't start question what they really did in their free time. While the secrets that they kept were always different, they were all keeping something. Something that would be glaringly obvious if they didn't have someone to distract the crowd with.

That's where I came in.

I don't just laugh at their jokes, or fan their ego. My job is much bigger than that. I work the crowds they bring me to make them love the idea of me. Have an uptight boss? I can act as the overly nice and secretly flirtatious girlfriend. Need help with public speaking? No one will look at you when I accidentally bend over to give those watching a look at what was underneath my incredibly short dress.

Sometimes the men that hire me are cute and more than once they were in the closet and used me as a way to get their parents off their back. But those jobs rarely lasted and are looked at like a diamond in the rough. The other girls and I would fight over them, trying to get away from the more notorious ones. Those ones always kept coming around and had proven to be a steady source of income, but were the least enjoyable. Those clients hated the idea of getting close to women and only saw us as maids or glorified sex toys. You were in trouble if one took a liking to you.

And by the looks of the man that had his arm wrapped around my shoulder, I was the one in trouble tonight.

When I first met Murphy I thought I had gotten lucky. He wasn't unattractive per se... He just was socially awkward with women, or at least so I thought. As I got to know him,more socially awkward with women turned into severe mommy issues and a hatred for anything with a puss* between it's legs.

The sides of his eyes creased as he smiled at his coworker in front of him. His pearly white teeth sparkled even under the dim light of the room. His salt and pepper hair had been combed back giving you a great look at his bright hazel eyes and full lips. His pale skin had a slight flush on his cheeks making him look younger than he really was. Anyone else would think the flush was from the alcohol or because of his hot date... But I knew better.

Ontari, I think her name was, laughed along with us, her brown hair swinging wildly as she threw her head back. She would be pretty next to him too, a brunette-haired brown-eyed model type that would stand out of the crowd. Even now, I could see the wandering eyes in the room shift to her as she laughed. When she bid goodbye I heard Murphy let out a heavy sigh.

He hates these types of girls, I thought. Girls that are better than him.

I couldn't be one of those though, because he clearly knew what I did for a living and that alone made my presence bearable.

“Thanks for coming tonight,” he spoke in a low tone and pushed me across the room – straight towards the alcohol. There wasn't a huge crowd, but people still moved out of the way as we walked as if they already knew whatever secret Murphy was hiding and decided they didn't like it.

The event of the night was a small get-together for his work, but for people in his world a small get-together consisted of at least a hundred people lazily making small talk in one of their boss' mansions. It was a world I had never really belonged to but because of my job I got to understand more of what really happens here.

Many of the people that are invited are clueless and think that their boss is just showing off their luxurious mansion, one-of-a-kind paintings, and Michelin star chefs, but the reality was much darker. Behind closed doors there was money being shifted from one dirty hand to another, and you could bet that there was not a single clean person behind those doors. The sales and terms always differed but one of the most common among rich people were drugs and irregulated goods.

I never wanted to get caught in anything like that again, so I tried to leave these things as fast as possible.

Murphy handed me a glass of bubbling liquid with a forced smile that looked more like a grimace than anything.

“Don't mention it,” I said with a smile and took the champagne glass out of his hands. I took a sip and held his arm closer, pushing it against my front. I swore I saw the side of his mouth twitch. “Thanks for remembering me after three long years.”

“Unfortunately, there are some people who would probably remember you,” he said with a sigh and looked over at the couple who were talking in hushed tones near an intricate panting of two women in a very sexual act.

I felt a smile tug at my lips when I realized how uncomfortable he must be in this house. During the time we first met he made damn sure that I knew what was and was not acceptable in his eyes. After all, I would have to know if I were to pose as his girlfriend, right?

PDA, women's empowerment, sex work, and pro-choice were all things he loathed to talk about. He made it very clear that the only reason he hired me was to be a means to an end and he would hate every moment that I touched him.

I hummed, my eyes unable to move from the painting. It was beautiful. Two women together, and laid out on a bed with the other woman's head buried between her legs. Even though the girl's red hair sprawled out wildly around her, there was no hiding the very detailed puss* that glared back at us.

“Very unfortunate,” I murmured. “that you haven't gotten a real girlfriend during that time.”

I peeked over and watched Murphy's face redden further. I let out a giggle and forced an easygoing smile on my face. Some people looked over and when they did I looped my fingers through Murphy's belt loop.

It was more than he liked, but I was having fun in the moment and feeling the effects of alcohol.

“And that you haven't learned how to respect yourself in that time,” he shot back.

I let out another loud giggle to annoy him.

“What is the occasion?” I asked in an excited whisper and took another sip of my champagne before giving the frozen man some space. I watched as a couple walked past us. The man was dressed in a full suit while the woman wore a loose-fitting short dress that draped around her body more similar to a bed sheet than s piece of clothing. The blood-red color of her dress brought out the beautiful hues of her skin making her look like a walking Calla lily.

Her brown eyes met mine and she gave me a wink. It was my turn to flush under her attention and I couldn't help but feel self-conscious when I was next to someone so regal. She wasn't the only one though, many people here were dressed in outfits that had been perfectly tailored to them, clothes that I could never dream to afford.

I had to ask Raven for the fitted black dress that I had on right now because there was no way I would be able to afford one. She had of course given me her most expensive one and wished me good luck with a wink as she literally pushed me out of her door. She was the person in charge of the escorting agency and had been running it for as long as I have known her. She was a vicious little lady that loved to bleed money out of rich men, hence the business she started. I did not know the cut she took out of this, but I know between me and her fifteen other girls, she was able to afford a penthouse right in Manhattan. She was the one who so graciously called me back after a three-year break promising two grand for the night, and of course I couldn't say no to that.

Imagine my surprise when I saw one of my least favorite clients at her side after so many years.

“For everyone else, there is none,” Murphy said. “For me though, I get to meet someone very important tonight.” His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed.

“Congratulations are in order,” I said playfully making sure to show my teeth as I smiled. Everything is about looks in this job, that's why I was in a salon chair for hours today. He had specifically requested my hair to be in modest waves and my makeup to be natural as possible, which took much longer than you would think, even with multiple people fussing over me.

“I guess.” He tried to act nonchalant, but I heard the bit of pride seep through his voice. “I don't have to remind you not to speak of this outside these walls.”

“Contracts, NDAs, privacy policies, all remind me on your behalf,” I said with a wink.

He let out a grunt of acknowledgment and nothing more before looking at his watch.

“Let's go,” He said and grabbed my drink from me only to discard it on an empty table as we walked toward the back of the house. The people around us were laughing, getting drunk, and just enjoying their lives so they didn't even blink as we pushed past them. Their carefree attitudes should have made me feel better, but I still had to wipe my sweaty palms on my dress and it didn't stop my heart from racing wildly.

This wasn't the first time I had been in a situation like this. With my many odd jobs came many odd and even dangerous situations. I was supposed to be protected by aliases and contraccts but those could only go so far.

Murphy led me through two crowded rooms and the music finally started to fade as we walked down a long hallway. I spotted a door with two burly-looking men beside it; both of their heads turned to watch us approach. The bald one with an angry face gave me a once-over while the one with a buzz cut glared at Murphy.

“John Murphy,” he said. “And my date Marissa.”

I gave them my prettiest little smile and sent them a small wave, trying not to show how much my body was pushing me to run back safety. There were only a few reasons why a door would need to be guarded and I really didn't want to find out why. The bald guy looked us over once, twice, then huffed and opened the door for us.

Inside was a cozy room with bookshelves for walls, a fireplace that was currently lit, and two loveseats that sat right in the middle of the room with a table in between them. Small, intimate, and a definitely unescapable. There wasn't even a window. There was a man standing towards the fireplace with his back turned towards us, who turned only after the door behind us shut with a soft click. With a shock, I realized that I recognized him.

“Marissa?” Thelonious asked, his dark eyes going round in surprise. He had aged much over the last three years, his hair almost grey and the wrinkles on his forehead more prominent. He was a sweet guy, who was very attentive when I was around, but I knew that his eyes were far too sharp to just be a finance guy like he claimed to be.

I guess I finally got to see the business he is in.

“Thelonious!” I exclaimed softly and left Murphy;s side to walk into his open arms. “So nice to see you. So sorry I haven't been able to make it to your last get-together.”

“Oh no need to fret, dear,” Thelonious said and pulled back to look at me at arm's length, much like a grandparent would. “Murphy let us know about your family. My condolences.”

I swallowed thickly not even having to fake the quiver in my bottom lip. I really wished Murphy had used any other excuse but no, apparently multiple deaths in the family had to be the reason for his escort to go missing.

“Thank you,” I said sincerely. “i'm just happy Murphy was there with me through it all, such a sweet man.” I looked over at Murphy to give him a small smile. He tried and failed to send me one back.

When Thelonious finally unhanded me I walked over to Murphy's side. I now understood why he wanted me specifically to come tonight. Thelonious had a sweet spot for me and sought out every time I was with Murphy for the night. Of course he would ask about me, and this was most likely an attempt to butter him up.

“You can sit if you'd like,” Thelonious said and poured himself a whiskey from the bar cart to our left. “But the guest of honor will be here soon.”

he poured me one as well and sent me a knowing smile. I took the glass; over the few times I had seen him he had caught on far too quickly to my drinking habits... It was just about the only real thing he knew about me. The only thing I let slip.

“We have partnered with her to help take care of her business' finances,” he explained. “Quite a big investment with lots of money moving around at once. It took a long time to steal her from Roan's company, but I finally got her for a night and I am introducing her to our best.”

The way he spat “Roan” out made my stomach flip. I looked over to gauge Murphy's reaction to the news. Any other man would have been swelling with pride at the thought of working with such a highly sought out client, but there was one flaw in Thelonious' plan.

“A girl?” he asked seemingly unable to help himself.

Thelonious sent me a look full of pity as iff I actually had to deal with the guy that had a firm grip on my waist.

“Yes,” he answered. “and may I remind you, a big investor.”

The door behind us opened and we all turned to see who this mysterious investor was. My heart had been pounding so hard up until now that I had heard it in my ears, but when I saw the pitch-black hair and dark eyes of the person who peeked around the door my heart stopped completely and I felt an eerie silence fall around us.

The girl was unfazed as her hungry dark eyes drank in my form. The right side of her lip tugged into a smile, and I could see her sharp canines poke out. She was wearing an open chested black button-up that was dangerously close to showing the swell of her breast and a pair of blood-red slacks paired with black dress shoes.

Lexa, my mind whispered panicked but also hungry, ready for her. This was worse than any other deal I could have imagined. I would rather be rather be stuck in this room with crates of drugs than have to breathe the same air as her. The windowless room seemed even smaller now and my mind went into overdrive. I would need to get out of here while not totally blowing my cover.

She was the ex of nightmares. Our relationship had been an intoxicating one that made adrenaline pump through my veins and my mouth water even just thinking of it. This was the girl that had haunted every dark corner, every wet dream, and had this vice-like grip on my life for the last three years while I fought off the heartbreak of what happened between us. She was the sole reason why I was in the position that I was in now, groveling like a dog for every penny I could get. If she would have just been a decent human being I wouldn't have struggled as hard the last three years without her.

I hated her as much as I wanted her.

Her ringed fingers ran through her long hair, and I swear I saw an evil glint pass her eyes as she made contact with mine. It was far too easy to remember what those eyes looked like as she hovered over me in the middle of the night, too easy to remember how sure and confident those hands were as they roamed my thighs, and far too easy to get lost in the way her breath felt against my sweaty skin. A shock went through me when I was brought back to reality by Murphy;s excited tone.

“Lexa, please meet Murphy and his girlfriend Marissa. Murphy has recently been promoted and will be taking over your accounts,” he said and shook her hand enthusiastically but did not pull her into a hug like he did with me. If she was here, he should know just what type of illegal sh*t she was into.

“Marissa, is it?” Her voice vibrated through me and even after all these years I felt my knees go weak. I swallowed thickly and tried to put on my acting face while her eyes pierced through me.

“Yes it is,” I said sweetly. “I am just here to say hello to Thelonious here. I can leave so you three can continue with your business.”

I readied myself to leave but she gave me a sh*t-eating grin and waved me off instead.

“No need,” She said looking me up and down. “you can act as our drink girl. That seems like a fitting job for someone of your status.

Heat flared in me, this time from anger as she took my glass of whiskey out of my hands and stared at me as she threw back the entire thing. Murphy and Thelonious watched in a tense silence, probably wondering just how far this would go. I just knew Murphy was trying to piece together what exactly was happening.

Her eyes seemed to dare me to say something, dare me to push back. I wouldn't have been so pissed if it was anyone else, but she had known how much I hated being degraded like that in front of these people. I may have had to work jobs that others would think were unsightly, but I was still a human and deserved to be treated with respect.

She pushed the empty glass back into my hands and shot Murphy a smile before moving to sit in the chair. She spread her legs wide and shifted in the chair all eyeing me while she did so, as if to prove that she was in charge and unforgettable.

You are in trouble, her gaze seemed to say. You are going to wish you never left me.

The tension between us flitted through the air and I felt a prickle on the back of my neck. Murphy and Thelonious had no idea that the flood gates of bad history had just broken open and now was just the calm before the storm. In the three years since I left she had not changed one bit, and it only assured me that no matter how attractive, rich, or powerful she was, that I had taken the right course.

“Let's get started shall we?” She said with a smugness in her tone. “And pour the men another one would you, love?”

With gritted teeth I did as she asked. If I messed up now there was no way I would be getting paid for tonight, and that was the most important thing. As long as I could get the money, and get out of here without a scratch, I would swallow my pride and serve her. As I turned and walked towards the cart I could feel her gaze as if it was physically burning into me. It was different from the men; it felt like she was claiming me, and I could feel the heat rush across my skin.

When I turned back I saw Lexa's fingers trail across her lips. I licked my own without thinking. With a shaky breath I prepared myself and walked back to her side. She looked up at me as I came closer to her but her eyes stopped short, right at my breasts.

I didn't let it annoy me; I know she was doing this on purpose. She wanted to see me break, mess up. It was all a game for her, it always had been, and I was just a toy she liked to play with. I placed the glass on the table beside her and gave her a wide smile before turning back to Murphy and Thelonious.

“Marissa, Kathy has been dying to see you,” Thelonious said in a cheerful tone. “Why don't you go find her. I'm sure we won't take long here and then you and Murphy can be on your lovely way.”

I smiled at him, a real one this time, thankful to get out of here.

Lexa didn't say anything as I left, and I made sure to make a show of kissing Murphy right on the lips before leaving. I normally wouldn't have, I have a strict no intimacy policy with clients and he f*cking hates me, but I wanted to piss Lexa off as much as she was pissing me off.

Two could play at that game, I thought and looked back at her as my hand wrapped around the cool metal door handle. I wanted to scream the words but instead I settled for a sickly-sweet smile. You don't own me anymore.

I ran out of the room as fast as I could without looking too idiotic. I did not look back at the guards or anyone as I speed walked to one of the many single powder rooms the mansion had. I locked the door behind me and bolted to the sink before turning on the faucet and splashing cool water on my neck.

“Jesus f*ck,” I hissed as I looked at my flushed face in the mirror. My normally cream cheeks had a bright red color to them that was definitely not makeup, and it went all the way to my ears and down my neck. My knees were still shaking, and I placed my hand over my chest feeling my erratically beating heart.

How the f*ck did this happen? I thought to myself, panicked.

The first night I had come back to escorting just had to be the same night that I would run into my ex after three years. I had moved on, or at least I thought I had. Seeing her stupid smirk and heated eyes seemed to violently throw me back into the place I was three years prior. A lost hopeless child who was in way over their head and happily losing themselves in the most dangerous person they could find.

Lexa was dangerous in more ways than one. She had a sharp tongue and explosive temper, but she was also New York's best and most ruthless art dealer. While normal art dealers had a somewhat legal occupation, Lexa thrived on the business in the underworld. She was the one that showed me just how dangerous they could be, but I was so lost back then that I actually liked the danger. I craved it.

Craved her.

I splashed water on my neck one more time, taking a deep breath. Then another. Then another.

When I looked up again the redness had dramatically decreased, and I was left staring back at my own wide blue eyes. Those same eyes had seen the rise and fall of our relationship and I couldn't help but see how tired they have become compared to just three short years ago. I jumped when there was a knock at the door.

“Occupied,” I called and carefully readjusted my dress. It was a bit too short on me and had risen as I was fleeing from that room. That was no look for my role tonight, I had to be better. Look at least somewhat put together or else the vultures would descend on me and Murphy, and that would not do well for my paycheck.

The knock came again, and I let out a frustrated sigh before steeling myself. I walked to the door and swung it open, only to wish I hadn't.

Lexa stood there, her arm against the door frame and a smirk on her face. Those eyes narrowed on me, and my skin became unbearably hot. I took a startled step back and she used that to push into the powder room and lock the door behind her.

“Don't,” I warned but my voice lost it's strength as she took a step towards me.

“Don't what Marissa?” Her tone was mocking. I took a step back and she took one forward pushing me further into the room. Her spicy cologne filled my senses, and a shuddering breath left my lips.

“I should be out there,” I said and moved to step around her, but she stepped to the side blocking my path.

This time when I stepped back my backside hit the edge of the sink. She leaned forward, putting both hands on either side of me and leaned forward so our bodies were centimeters away from each other. I could feel her hot breath waft across my face; it still smelt like whiskey.

This was dangerous. I had never planned to be in this situation ever again and I knew that with one wrong move I would be spiraling down into Lexa once more. I didn't want to play this with her. I wanted to forget her and move on. Live a happy, peaceful, easy life. Something she could never give me.

“What give you the audacity to think you can just run away again, hm?” She asked dangerously. “Are you really that stupid? Do you really think I wasn't about to come in here and remind you exaclt what you have been missing all these years?”

“Lexa, we broke up,” I said trying to muster the anger in my tone, but it sounded weak, breathy almost.

Her eyes flashed and in a moment she closed the space between us, pushing me into the counter with one hand against my neck the other tugging at my hair.

Dangerous indeed.

The ties that bind us together - Chapter 1 - Legionnero (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 6051

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.