Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of October 16, 2023 (2024)

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of October 16,2023


TheFall of The Cabal, All Parts 1-10

(Threehour documentary by Janet Ossebaard)

Ithas been said that the World needed to go through NearDeath Scare Events in order for the Satan Worshipping Modern Day Babylon tofall.

TheseNear Death Scare Events seemed related to Child Sex Trafficking and appeared tobegin with the Maui Disaster on 8 Aug. 2023. The capitol of theSovereign Nation of Hawaii inLahaina Maui was destroyed, with hundreds of men, women and children presumeddead. To this day over two months later, nearly 2,000 Native Hawaiian childrenremain missing, but there was Mass Media silence on the unprecedented Event. WhereWere Maui’s Over 2,000 Missing Children.

AnotherScare Event was also barely covered by the Mass Media. It wasrecently reported, and then dropped from the headlines, that children weredisappearing from northern Ohio in record numbers, with more than 1,000 minorsreported missing so far this year. More than 1K kids reported missing inOhio in 'extraordinary surge'.

Tomore than top that off the American multinational corporation of Coca Cola wasrecently implicated in the purchase of children and Black Market Organs – withno mention of it in the Mass Media:

AnEvent that gained no media attention was the horrendous discovery that Israelwas the World Capital of Child Sex and Organ Trafficking. ISRAEL: Organ TraffickingCapital of the World.

Thatappeared related to the Hamas Attack on Israel Event that was said to be an“Inside Job.” On 7 Oct. 2023 groundwork waslaid for the Elites to usher in World War Three, a One World Religion and OneWorld Government that would have complete control over our lives. Yet, thisCapital of Child Sex and Organ Trafficking found no room in the headlines.

All Five of these Eventsappeared connected to an International Child Sex Trafficking, Adrenochrome and Organ HarvestingRing run by the Pedophile Child Sacrificing Satan Worshipping Bankers, Vaticanand Rothschild KhazarianMafia (see # below).

Eventhough we have the White Hat Alliance out there making MassArrests of these Satan Worshipping, Child Sacrificing Pedophile Global Elites,it’s not over yet. Expect anything.

TheWhite Hats had a solution on the way, though it would take a waking up of thegeneral population in order to find a resolution. Itwould be wise to prepare for the World to shut down for a while (20 days ofExposure?) in order to switch over to new Sovereign Republics of the Worldbased on principles of the original Constitution, along with a new QuantumFinancial System via a Global Currency Reset.

“Thepeople get it,” PresidentTrump recently said to Tucker Carlsen. “They locked us down. They tried tomake us comply. They kicked us off social media. They stole the election fromus. They installed an illegitimate President. They arrested our favoritePresident. But we never gave up. We are UNBREAKABLE. The best is yet to come.”

·OnSun. 15 Oct. Mel Gibson posted on Telegram that,“Biden is going down tonight (Sun. night15 Oct.).

·Last week Roy Brunson predicted as such, “The Supreme Court will an announcement on our case about massiveVoter Fraud in the 2020 Election. If they ruled in favor, Biden and Harriswould immediately be removed from office.”

·Thefall of Biden appeared to be timed with activation of the Global CurrencyReset. On Sun. 15 Oct. Wolverine posted on Telegram that,The launch algorithms (to activate the GlobalCurrency Reset RV of the World’s currencies) will be ready tomorrow (Mon. 16Oct.).”

·Judy Byington: Israel, It's Only JustBegun, DEFCON 1, War and Rumors of Wars - It's GO Time! Special Intel ReportFor Sun. Oct. 15, 2023 .

·Israel was said tobe Last – it appeared to have been long planned that way: Israel was attackedexactly 9 years and 11 months after a South Park episode wasreleased “911 was a ZIONIST INSIDE JOB.”

·“Intwo weeks (around Mon. 23 Oct.) everything would change. The World would soonhave no Internet for a while. We are approachingthat Timeline. Get Ready for it.”…Q

·Intwo weeks Tucker Carlsen said we would be hit by an asteroid: TuckerCarlson: "Oumuamua Will Make DIRECT Impact In 2 Weeks… IT'S NOTSTOPPING" .

·The National Guard has beenactivated in up to 360 cities across the US due to Antifia and BLM terroristsinfecting the country.

·Sun. 15 Oct. RedOct. Intel Drop, SGAnon:

·There were 800,000illegal immigrants (mainly military age men) ready to invade Italy and Europe. It’s like aZombie Apocalypse Movie.

·An Insider hasrevealed that the Hamas attack on Israel was an “inside job” by the GlobalistElite working in tandem with the Biden administration and the Israeligovernment as part ofthe great master plan for World War Three which has been in the works since thestate of Israel was created after World War Two. The terrorists were funded andarmed by the Biden administration in the build-up to the attack, and Israelidefense and intelligence services agreed to stand down and look the other waywhen the attack was launched. According to the official, the Israeli “FalseFlag” will light the fuse to ignite a “Holy War” that will spiral out ofcontrol and lay the groundwork for the Elite to usher in a “One WorldGovernment” and One World Religion.

·Obama made sure laws were passed that allowed legalized propagandato be used against Americans. H.R. 5736:

·TheGreat Sting, Parts 1&2, Charlie Freak:

·OctoberRed Intel, Ward, McKay:

·AMilitary Team headed by Dr. Charlie Ward loaded 650 planes of goldout of a tunnel that ran beneath land and sea from the Vatican to Israel. Thegold was taken back to it’s rightful owners at the US Treasury and othercountries’ treasuries around the globe. This1,500 mile long tunnel was lined with records of the history of the Worldincluding documents that dated further back than those used to write the Bible.The tunnel was also the center of Vatican-Israel International Child SexTrafficking Ring.

·When Trump was US President he invoked the Insurrection Act to protect laws established under the original Constitution.The last line of defense – the Military – was obligated to protect and makesure the Constitution was followed.

·The New Republic with the original Constitution was invokedon July 4, 2020. DonaldTrump was installed as the President, while JFK Jr. was Vice President. U.S.Inc, which was established in 1871,was now defunct and dissolved.

A.Sun. 15 Oct. Evening: Wolverine on the Global Currency Reset: “Theyare really close to get this done. St Germaine is getting ready to release thefunds. The Tier 1 platform is getting ready and will be paying advance paymentof $10,000 to all members for the time being until they start releasing all thefunds. Dubai 1 has all been released and Dubai 2 is nearly finished. I’mpraying that by Tues. 17 Oct. weshould be ready to go.”

·Themoney is moving towards us!!

·Successfulcleanup and updated QFS.

·D.O.D,unlock codes for elderly locked and moving forward

·Billionsreleased for humanitarian projects.

·Thepayers paid.

·Bondteams received some signatures. The remaining groups of each level will be paidin full: Tiers1,2,3,4.

·Bankscompleted the remaining layers of payments overnight Sun. 15 Oct.

·Thelaunch algorithms will be ready Mon. 16 Oct.

·Thosewho attempt to interfere and delay will be arrested and replaced within hours.

·Allequipment reinforces security at multiple levels and dimensions.

·Therewill be 20 days of DISCLOSURE.

·Everythingposted by 2k Mules, soft announcements about arrests and notifications

·Newtechnology is being installed.

·Allbanks linked to gold bullion eliminating multiple problems.

·Getready for the shotgun start!!!

·Celebrationsas liberation continues. Keep the faith. God bless us.

B.What We Think We Know as of Mon. 16 Oct. 2023:

·TheIraqi Dinar has revalued andfor the past week has been trading on the back screens of the Forex,putting itself in a position for the new exchange rate that was soon to be madepublic.

·IraqiBanks have been telling Iraqi citizens that the Iraqi DinarRate has been changing up in value on the back screens of the Forex and the newrate was about to be announced by the Central Bank of Iraq Board of Directors.

·Becauseof the Iraqi Dinar rate changes, the Central Bank of Iraqhas suspended Western Union service for international money transfer:

·Iraqhas joined BRICS and banned cash withdrawals of US Dollarsin Iraq:

·On Sun. 15 Oct. the IMF and WorldBank would hold their last meeting.

·Starting in the fourth week ofOctober Repatriation andReclamation Allowances will be paid out. The amount of monies paid back will bebased on federal taxes paid since the 1940s, interest on mortgages, bank loans,car loans and credit card interest – along with interest earned on those moniesover the years. Those 60 and older will be paid in three equal monthly paymentsfor Oct, Nov & Dec. Those 50-60 will get payments over the next 12months and those younger will be paid out over 15 years, though they have to beemployed in order to qualify.

·Starting sometime in October andcontinuing for three months Social Security benefits will be significantly higher, topping out at$5,200.

·Repatriation Allowances for 60 andolder will begin the 18thor 25th of Oct. as the beginning of three equal payments overthe next three months.

·Theend of October Sidney Powell has a date with the SupremeCourt to present evidence on 2020 Election Fraud.

·Wed.1 Nov. was the goal to have Currency Exchanges and Zim BondRedemptions completed, although that date could vary.

·Starting 1 Jan. 2024 the fiat US Dollar will be worthless, allcurrencies across the Globe will be on par 1:1 with each other, Social Securitybenefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments start on a monthlybasis.

·Sun.15 Oct. (New Video) Dave XRP Lion - Exciting QFS News: “3Huge Payouts” Oct ’23 - Don't Miss it - Trump News

·Inthe next three to six months the Rodriguez Trustwill begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of allGESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend onthe status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will workto encourage people to work if they can.


C.Global Financial Collapse:

·Sun.15 Oct. Evergrande Bankruptcy Fears sparks bank runs inChina.

·QFS:54 Banks Closed/Scheduled To Close. Major US banks arecontinuing to close branches across the US, leaving an increasing number ofAmericans without access to basic financial services. Bank of America axed 21branches in the first week of October, according to a bulletin published by theOffice of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) on Friday. Wells Fargoshuttered 15, while US Bank and Chase reported closing 9 and 3 respectively. Intotal, some 54 locations had either closed or were scheduled to close betweenOctober 1 and October 7. Of the overall closures, 3 were in Louisville inKentucky. Eight of the 21 Bank of America closures were in California.


·BRICS– Saudi Arabia – Japan Sign Digital Economy Partnership:

·BRICSExpansion To End US Dollar Dominance in Oil Trade:

D.Restored Republics:

·Forthe finale in this movie they are strategically placing theMilitary around the World under the guise of things like terrorism because it'sthe easiest way to activate Military without causing mass panic and chaos withthe sleepers.

·Fri.13 Oct. Mark Milley Hanged at GITMO:

·Heavyfloods due to extreme rains in the Ramat Gan of Tel Aviv, Israel.If they are flooding Israel then it means the main part of the MilitaryOperation has been completed. We’re near End Game.

·QatarAirways Rolls Out Starlink High Speed Internet:

·MarellaCruises introduces Starlink WiFi across its fleet:

·This prediction was made in 1844. Could it be describingthe Brunson Petitions at the Supreme Court?: "Even this nation will be on the verge of crumbling topieces and tumbling to the ground and when the Constitution is on the brink ofruin, this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean and theyshall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction."…Joseph Smith Papers, LDS Church Historical Archives, Box 1, March 10, 1844.

E.Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS:

·Sun.8 Oct. Update From Ken: Update from Ken: Dear Family and Patriot Friends!UPDATE: Day #46 from the IRS / FBI Ogden Utah Gulag. It’s been a challengingnumber of days dealing with 50+ emails and as many phone calls related to mycase. Heroic Raland, Dan, Paul, Andy and Wendy - my official "Assistantsof Council" - have been working real hard on our strategies to get me (a"danger to society") out AND get this fake case thrown out alltogether. My stellar Team is working so hard. Did you know that there isn'teven a judge's signature on the Warrant? That makes it void. That means theymust let their trophy political prisoner out "yesterday". Thankfullythese guys may get me out soon. I miss Barbara so much! I am working hard too.I drafted a 5 page Motion for Protective Order tediously written in pencil onmy bed during lockdown with no table! Took me hours. It MIRACULOUSLY was pickedup and filed in court yesterday! We have a Status Hearing scheduled for Tues17th @ 10 am, where the prosecutors have to explain why they did not get me theDiscovery by Sept 19th. "Only" 24 days late! We've asked forContinuance of trial from Nov 7th to Dec 4th, because "their dog ate theirhomework", but I get to suffer for it! I feel so blessed to have youthere. I know you care. Thanks especially for your prayers; and for those whohave donated a $ for phone, or bought me food gifts thru the jail commissary.Grateful! You need every friend you can get when you're sometimes feeling aloneand forgotten in this freezing cold, heartless dungeon, right? Who knew hellcould be so cold? Often I walk around wrapped in a blanket. I've now written toall my 7 kids. It's hard on them too. I've explained my greater appreciationfor Joseph in Egypt, Paul and the disciples, Joseph Smith and especially Jesus,for what they and so many others, have unjustly suffered in jails. Think aboutit. If they all lived today, every one of them would have been fingerprintedand had their mug shots (always bad) paraded on the news everywhere! Love, Ken

·Sun.8 Oct. Cromars Continues to Suffer Court Injustices:

·Forover five years Barbie and Ken Cromar have been battling forour right of Freedom from the privately owned US Inc.’s Goliath IRS that hasstolen our US Taxpayer Dollars for their own use since 1913.

·Evenafter the Cromars won their case in a federal tax courtthat ruled they owed no monies to the IRS, a 27 man SWAT took away their fullypaid for home and threw away all their possessions including expensive cameraequipment Ken used to make a living.

·Theyhave now incarcerated Ken in the Utah Weber County Jail where Federal Prosecutor Kris Angelos was toprovide Ken with Discovery as of 19Sept. 2023 – which has not been done, leaving Angelos’ potential violation of various federalstatutes, including but not limited to: Title 18 sec. 241 – Conspiracy to DenyRights, Title 18 sec. 242 – Denial of Constitutional Rights Under the Color ofLaw, plus Misprision of a Felony.

·Thereappeared to be a systematic andprejudicial effort to deny Cromar his right to due process in order to assure an outcome that would findhim guilty of a fabricated crime he did not commit. DocumentedFraud in Former Utah Movie Producer Indictment Leads To Another DOJ CriminalComplaint/Referral

·Themilitarized privately owned IRSwas using Maritime Law (where US citizens have no standing), not Constitutional Law, to makean example of the Cromars.This could happen to anyone, and very like hasto many in the past.

I.White Hat Intel on the War in Israel:

·A Green Light has been given by the CabalPentagon/ CIA/ M16/ Mossad to prepare a Massive Strike Attack on the Gaza Stripin the next 72 hours.

·TheAttack on Gaza will cease within two weeks or so.The Deep State was pushing this operation to flood the Mockingbird Media withan intensive False Full War Scenario that would lead to WW III. The purpose wasto get funding (that leads to money laundering) by taking money from U.S. taxpayers for Israel assistance through weapons in the Military Industrial Complexsystem, though also so Netanyahu could attain full dictatorship.

·US/Israel has already done military battle war gamesand war simulation assessments and decided that US/Israel cannot win the War.

·Israelhas been given the Green Light for few days or week(s) toattack Gaza and then after a stand down, a truce will be reached.

J.The Real News for Sun. 15 Oct. 2023:

·Sat.14 Oct. SPECIAL FORCES ATTACK DEEP STATELISTING OUTPOST , SpecialForces Attack Deep State Listening Outposts

·Sat.14 Oct. Joe Biden:

·Sun. 15 Oct. Intel, Dr. Halper, Brigadier General Anthony Tata,Caught in the Crossfire:

·Sat.14 Oct. Breaking: Unveiling the Unseen Support – HamasBackers Rally on American Soil

·FBIidentifies culprits in $41 million casino heist, bringing total to more than $1billion stolen by gang near to Hunter Biden. The documentsreleased by the FBI mention a group of hackers closely associated with HunterBiden, another act that has been kept quiet by the public and the courts.

·Sat.14 Oct. Operation Gladio: The Untold Story of the UnholyAlliance Between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia

·LosAngeles detective whistleblower has revealed to the USHouse of Representatives Oversight Committee that the CIA tried to hire him tohelp them sell drugs to America. Another whistleblower claimed to the committeethat the CIA was paid to mislead the American public on Covid.

·Sat.14 Oct. Raven Rock: The Story of the U.S. Government’s SecretPlan to Save Itself – While the Rest of Us Die

·Didyou know that families who cross the border get $2200 dollars a month inuniversal income from our government? Did you also know thatmany of them know that if they split up and each take a child, they will get$4400 a month in universal income? $4400 dollars a month, meaning 52,800 peryear plus free healthcare, free education, a cell phone, an Uber or bus ride tothe destination of their choice and pretty soon an app that allows them to votefor democrats by phone. The last one is what every leftist is dying to make areality. Wonder how long it will be before it becomes one.

·Sun. 15 Oct. Emergency Alert Nuclear Facility:

·Sun. 15 Oct.Intel:New Benjamin Fulford & Hanna Kazahari: Khazarian Mafia Intel for OctoberRed Rising for Fab News

K. InternationalChild Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of theVatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam and in the 1500 mile tunnel thatruns between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

·TheVatican paid $3.8 billion in lawsuits to cover up their sexual assaults onchildren. They also ran one of the largest pedophile rings inthe world. Let that sink in for a moment.

·NewYork: Child Human Trafficking Arrests:

·CocaCola Implicated in Purchase of Children and Black Market Organs:

·Israel:World Capital of Organ Trafficking: ISRAEL: Organ Trafficking Capital of theWorld

·NYTFinds 'Disproportionate Role' of Israelis in World Organ Trafficking: NYTfinds 'disproportionate role' of Israelis in world organ trafficking

·IsraelBecame Hub in International Organ Trade Over Past Decade: Israelbecame hub in international organ trade over past decade

·IsraelIs the Organ Harvesting and Human Trafficking Capital of the World: IsraelIs the Organ Harvesting and Human Trafficking Capital of the World

·Israel:Ringleader of Ghoulish Human Organ Trafficking Syndicate: Israel:Ringleader of Ghoulish Human Organ Trafficking Syndicate

·Israeliorgan-smuggling ‘mastermind’ arrested in Cyprus: Israeliorgan-smuggling 'mastermind' arrested in Cyprus

·Israeliarrested in Rome for organ trafficking: Israeli arrested in Romefor organ trafficking

·JewishAmerican Convicted of Organ Trafficking: Jewish AmericanConvicted of Organ Trafficking

·HowUS Rabbis & Israel Traffic In Human Organs & Money Laundering: HowUS Rabbis & Israel Traffic In Human Organs & Money Laundering

·IsraelSpecial Investigations Unit busts organ trafficking ring: IsraelSpecial Investigations Unit busts organ trafficking ring

·Doctoradmits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent: Doctoradmits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent

L.Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human ClonesHoaxes:

·Dr.Naomi Wolf: Pfizer KNEW What Would Happen to Newborns andKept Going Anyway. “There’s a section in the Pfizer documents where there’s an80% miscarriage rate. They knew that they were poisoning breast milk.”

·U.SMILITARY NOW BEING TESTED FOR AIDS, Attorney Todd Callender.They put 3 HIV proteins in these shots and gave the world vaccine induced AIDS.The DOD database reports a 500% increase in HIV in 2021. Pfizer and Modernawere studied under mass spectrometry which revealed luciferase was a keycomponent of both products making it impossible for soldiers to fake theirvaccine status.

·Doctortestifies that the health authorities have been blackmailing doctorsto provoke their medical licenses if they issue exemptions.

·Areport from the U.S. Centers for Disease Controland Prevention (CDC) has revealed that a staggering 120,000 American children“DIED SUDDENLY” following the rollout of the mRNA Covid jabs.

·JohnsHopkins University professor Dr. Marty Makary told the HouseSelect Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic during its first hearing onTuesday "the greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United Statesgovernment" and listed multipleexamples.

·Alzheimer’sis a physician CAUSED disease. It didn’t even occur inpeople over 40 years ago and now it’s the #4 killer of people in the USA overage 65! What is Alzheimer’s disease? It’s the disappearing of your brain’sinsulation, the Myelin. What is Myelin made out of ? It’s made fromCHOLESTEROL. “If you go on a low Cholesterol diet or cholesterol medication,it’s the fastest way to Alzheimer’s disease”

M.Must Read for Anyone Exchanging Foreign Currencies and/or Redeeming Zim Bonds: BOOM!Getting the Process of RV Redemption Started – Inside the Exclusive World ofRedemption Centers!

·Redemptionof currency and bonds is a global phenomenon withimplications for economies worldwide. The principles and steps involved arefundamentally similar, making it applicable on a global scale.

·Non-DisclosureAgreements bind individuals to silenceregarding the details of their redemption experience.

·Post-RedemptionPlan Documents outline how you can managenewfound wealth, including investment strategies, philanthropic endeavors, andmore.

·It is important to read and re-read all documentation provided toinsure you fully understand your obligations and rights, as well as theimplications of signing NDAs and post-redemption plan documents. The NDAdocument will be published on the secured website link so you can read it priorto your appointment.

·ID Documents needed for redemption: You need to have two bills (electricity,water, gas, telephone, etc.) to prove your address, two types of identificationdocuments with photo, current bank information and accountnumber.

·Zim Holders and others on long term payouts should have a sheet explaining yourHumanitarian goals for the first 30, 60 and 90 days.

·Write out questions you may want to ask at your appointment.

·Some in the US will receive emails with asecured website link to go into and obtain your personal 800# to call. Others can find the secured website link onvarious media outlets including Bruce, MarkZ, Intel Dinar Chronicles, PPN, TNTTony, Dinar Recaps and Byington’s Restored Republic via a GCR Updates.

·Go into the secured website, identify who youare and call the number provided. Ask any questions you may have to ensure you understand theaddress of your appointment location. If you provide your email address, you can receive an email withthe agreed address and time.

·At your appointment you will pass through various stations,provide proof of your address and present your currency, which will be checkedin front of you at a De La Rue machine. Police will check your ID and make sureyour police record is clean.

·Once everything has been verified, you will receive a 3-page NDA (non-disclosuredocument). Read it carefully and sign it.They will give you a copy.

·Those doing Humanitarian Projects will meet with Humanitarian Project experts. They willoffer you an interest rate on your Zim based on how much Zim you have, yourproject and how many years you wish your structured payout to be. Zim Holderswill receive structured payouts for 2, 5, 10 years or more dependent upon whatyou request. The amount you receive each year would be dependent upon the termyou signed up for.You can be paid annually, semi-annually or quarterly,whatever you request.

·You will meet with your financial advisor, accountant, bank representative and anyoneelse who needs to be involved in the process.

·If you need a trust and have one, you will need to present the certificatewithin it and have it signed and sealed by a notary public.If you don’thave one, we will provide a temporary one.

·Accessto your SQF Account will be displayed. Ask all the questions you need tofully understand.

·Moniesput in your Main Account: Theexchange rate amount you receive multiplied by the amount of Zim Dollars youtrade or exchange.

·Moniesput in your Secondary Account: This is the total amount you will receive during the structuredpayment period.Structured payments will be made from this account.

·After redemption, you can make an appointment to learn aboutthings like money management and investments.

·Information about what happened at yourredemption center appointment must remain private. Be careful not to send unnecessary messagesor information that violates your NDA. Note that allyour calls and Whats App messages will be recorded, while Twitter, Facebook, social networksand forums were being monitored. Alldevices are connected to the federal government CDMX and other nationaldepartmental systems.

N. There are reports coming out now that Egyptactually warned Israel about an incoming attack multiple days before ithappened. I don't know if this is true or not but thequestion remains. Why did Israel'sintelligence fail? If they are saying this was Israel's 9/11, do they mean thatthey let it happen because that's what Bush and his POS government allowed andpropagated as an excuse to go into never ending wars in the middle east. Hamaswere planning this attack for months and you're telling me they didn't have anyidea it was coming and their response was a complete failure despite the factthey have one of the most guarded places in the world. Perhaps Israel justwanted the necessary optics to go and root out all of Hamas so they used theseinnocent people as a chess piece. Or is it even possible for them to not haveknown and all of these defenses fail?

O. History of theSatan Worshipping, Child Sacrificing Pedophile Rothschild KhazarianMafia, Creation of the UN, or Why Israel Was Last:

·Noted FirstCentury Jewish historian Flavius Josephus wrote of the ancient Pagan QenitesTribe who traced their lineage and Child Sacrifice rites to biblical Eve’sfirst born son, Cain. Satanists believed that Satan, not Adam, fathered Cainand thus a descendant’s bloodline was owed to both Good Mother Eve and EvilFather Lucifer.

·Descendants of Cain and the Pagan QenitesTribe eventually created andsettled in Babylonia, where they could freely practice the Black Arts of ChildSacrifice to appease their God Satan. The more innocent the victim, the morepower they felt in the ceremony.

·Morphing out of Babylonia in 100-800 AD was the World’s largest organized CrimeSyndicate, the Khazarian Mafia (KM). Babylonia citizens were pedophiles,thieves, murderers and masters of disguise who gained their power throughhonoring their God and forefather Satan via Child Sacrifice.

·Revelation 2:9 “I know thy works, and tribulation, andpoverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say theyare Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

·The leaders of the surrounding nations, especiallyRussia, had so many years ofcitizen complaints about the Khazarians that they finally delivered anultimatum to the Khazarian king that he must choose one of the three Abrahamicreligions for his people: a choice between Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

·The Khazarian king chose Judaism, but kept practicing ancient Babylonian BaalWorship in a secret Satanic-hybrid religion known as Babylonian Talmudism. Therites called for Child Sacrifice, bleeding their innocent victims out, drinkingtheir blood and eating their hearts.

·About 1,200 AD, the Russians led a group of nationssurrounding Khazaria and invaded it, in order to stop the Khazarian crimesagainst their people, which included kidnapping of their young children andinfants for their blood sacrifice ceremonies to Baal.

·To accomplish the Russian invasion, they hired Oliver Cromwell to murder KingCharles 1, and make England safe for banking again. This began the EnglishCivil Wars which raged for nearly a decade, resulting in regicide of the royalfamily and hundreds of the genuine English nobility.

·Inthe 1800s the Jews were guided into Palestine with the idea tocreate a Jewish State guided by the 33rd Degree Freemasons.

·By1823 the Satan worshipping, Child Sacrificing Pedophile Rothschild KhazarianMafia had taken over all financial operations of theCatholic Church; helped to set up the City of London as the banking capital ofEurope and created US Inc. to use, with support of the FBI, FEMA, HomelandSecurity and TSA, US Taxpayer dollars through their privately owned Federal Reserve Systemand IRS.

·By1871 Albert Pike had outlined the full plan of creatingthree World Wars which would lead to full control of the World by the Elites.

·Bythe end of World War II in 1944 the Jews, with the helpof the 33rd degree Masons who controlled the United Nations, had formed Israel.

·Thefirst part of their plan was to over throw Russia, infiltratetheir government regime and then turn them into a Communist country that wouldhave Germany and the British Empire fight against them.

·Afterthis War Communism would be used to destroy othercountries the 33rd Degree Freemasons controlled with Rothschild’s.These Communist-created countries would weaken and their religion would falter.

·TheSecond World War Plan was to have fascist countries fight withZion (Jewish) modern politics/ Democratic ideology. This war was created todestroy Nazism and in return, would insure that the State of Israel would becreated in Palestine.

·Established after World War II on October 24,1945, the idea for the UNand it’s Lucis Trust (originally called the Lucifer Trust) was conceived inBohemian Grove California. The Grove was where the Rockefellers and Rothschilds33rd Degree Masons gathered to find ways to take full control of theWorld through Globalism: Controlling World Governments, Military and Media.

·TheThird World War would be fought between political Zionand Middle East Muslims of Islam to have them mutually destroy each other.

·OtherNations watching would choose sides in the battle. Infightingwould begin in all countries leading to civil conflicts, loss of spiritualinsights and confusion would set in with hope lost.

·Atthis time the 33rd Degree Masons (Elites andGlobalists) would unleash Anarchy groups with no spiritual grounds. A greatCivil War would erupt in all countries. Christians and spiritualists would losehope. At the end of this war it would be revealed the only true way tosalvation would be through Lucifer’s light.

·Satanismwould be brought out in public view as Christianity fallsand Atheist also died and faltered. Both would be conquered at the same and theElites would take full control of the World through UN.

·The RothschildKhazarian Mafiacreated Israel and ran the Epstein Blackmail scheme that controlledpoliticians, US Congressional legislation and more recently, the BidenAdministration – a lucrative deal for Satan-worshipping, Child SacrificingPedophile US politicians who laundered and received a cut of monies the US sentto fund other countries including both sides of their wars – wars that wereneeded for the Satan worshipping, Child Sacrificing Pedophile Rothschild Khazarian Mafia to create their NewWorld Order so they could control the Planet and all it’s people.

·So compromisedPedophile Biden bent to the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia’s bidding and allowed a staggeringseven billion dollarsworth of weaponry to be left behind in Afghanistan, thatthen fell into the hands of theTaliban and ISIS, emboldening their reign of terror.

·To add to that Biden also funneled six billion dollars into Iran – to which citizensshouted as a thank you, “Death to America” while Iran and their terroristfriends combined the six billion with the seven billion dollars worth ofweaponry to aid the terrorist attack on Israel.

·Why Israel? Once the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia gained their ownprivate homeland in Israel in 1947 throughtheir covert political manipulations, they began to secretly view all ofPalestine as their New Khazaria, and plotted how to genocide all thePalestinians. Israel was also the center of their very lucrative Child SexTrafficking, Adrenochrome and Organ Harvesting Ring that functioned in a 1,500mile long, five mile deep Underground Tunnel running from Israel to theVatican.

·And now Biden and politicians who all get a cut of monies sent to fund both sides of war, wereasking the US Taxpayers to fund defense of Israel in a war that they createdand funded?

·Isn’t it about time Treasonous politicians including Biden, got thrown out of office,the Vatican was recognized as not worshipping God, but a Child SacrificingPedophile Satan and the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia got out of the banking business and lost their control over US Taxpayerdollars and the World’s monetary system?

·Fortunatelythere was a great and powerful Military and Commanderswho would not bow down to the Satanic Masons/ Globalist plans.

·TheGreat Awakening is Happening, Patriots. The Alliance Militaryacross the World was fighting to expose these truths. “The Best is Yet toCome.” …Trump

P.A Global Currency Reset and the Chinese Elders, Global White Hat Alliance, QTeam, BRICS, Illuminati Bloodline Families, Deep State, Five Eyes Deep StateAlliance, Israeli Zionists, Vatican Jesuits, Freemasons and Khazarian Mafia.

·TheChinese Elders were composed of differentmultigenerational Chinese families living in the Philippines who overcenturies, owned and held responsibilityfor around 90% of the world’s gold, lending it out to countries forestablishment of their financial systems. There were five top Chinese Elderswho were responsible for the Global Currency Reset and RV release of funds.

·In1914theIlluminati Bloodline Families signed a 99 year leaseon the Chinese Elder’s gold and then proceeded to illegally launder all oftheUS taxpayer monies through theirprivately owned Federal Reserve, IRS, Central Banks and corporations inWashington DC, City of London and the Holy See at Vatican City. That system wasbeing taken down with the Global Currency Reset.

·TheIlluminati, Cabal, Deep State or Black Hats gained their powerover peoples of the globe by worshipping Satan through pedophilia and childsacrifice. The Cabal was composed of13 Illuminati Bloodline Families including the Habsburg family. Below them werethe Black Jesuit Pope Adolfo Nicolas andhis six generals, Pope Francis and 350 personnel in the Vatican includingformer Jesuit Secretary General Peter Hans Kolvenbach.

·Inturn the Jesuits were part of most governments and in cooperation with theFreemasons have infiltrated every intelligence agency in theworld with Masonic leaders, making them puppets that carried out Jesuitorders.

·OtherCabal leaders were Mafia heads including Khazarian Mafia leadersKlaus Schwab of the World Economic Fascists, royal families of Europe headed byQueen Elizabeth, the Netherlands and Spanish Royals.

·TheCabal extended to Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahuand the Zionists, Globalist and Political Elites, Council on Foreign Relations,Bilderberger Group, Council of 300, UN, Council of Trent, Knights Templar,Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, M15, M16, NCIS,FSB, DGSF and the Mossad.

·TheFive Eyes Deep State Alliance: Australia, New Zealand,Canada, United Kingdom, United States.

·TheGlobal White Hat Alliance and Q Team originally included 17countries of Australia, France, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain,Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Croatia, Canada, NorthKorea and the USA.

·TheAlliance Military included Stellar and QFS, Space Force, plusmilitary intelligence in Arizona.

·TheSupreme Commander of the Alliance was President DonaldTrump (with JFK Jr. as Vice President) who worked with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping,Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, White Hats in the Department of Defense headed by Secty of DefenseChris Miller, Undersecty of Defense Intel Ezra Cohen Watnick and Gen. Michael TFlynn.

·TheQ Force was composed of around 800 special ops whoadvised President Trump including Pentagon Generals Vice Chief John Hyten, USMarine Gen. David Berger, Chief of the Army Gen. James C. McConville, Chief ofthe Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Chief of Naval Operations Gen. Michael M.Gilday, Gen. James McConville, Gen. Paul Nakasone and Gen. Jay Raymond.

·QAnonswere volunteer Patriots headed by Ezra Cohen-Watnick,General Flynn and President Trump’s Vice President JF Kennedy Jr.

·TheNational Security Agency was headed by our present Acting USPresident Richard Grenell who, with the USunder Martial Law, was running military operations in Washington DC and variousmilitaries across the globe, including the international force authorized tomake arrests in any country, Interpol.

·BRICS was an alliance of the nations of Brazil, Russia, India,China and South Africa formed in 2008 after the so-called US “MortgageCrisis.” In reality the crisis happened when the Cabal continued to print fiatUS Dollars while bankrupt and unable to even pay interest on gold borrowed fromthe Chinese Elders which backed that US Dollar, the basis for internationaltrade.

·In the ensuing years since BRICS formed, they evaluated gold and resources of 209 nations inpreparation for a Global Currency Reset. After the GCR all countries currencieswould be at a 1:1 with each other instead of relying on the fiat US Dollar forinternational trade.

·Charlie Ward has worked and beenfriends with the Chinese Elders for over 16 years. He is head of the GlobalCurrency Reset Team and over the banks for the Global Currency Reset. He washighly trusted in the financial world and moved money aroundthe globe for private clients ranging from the super-rich to different globalgovernments. His team moved 650 planeloads of gold out of the Vatican tunnelsand placed it back to it’s rightful owners at the US Treasury and othercountries’ treasuries around the globe. He waspresently moving monies, gold and valuables for countries and individuals inthe Global Currency Reset. A lot of Ward’s info came from what he called theFour Walls of Power, which included the Chinese Elders, Alliance, Trump WhiteHouse and Trump Redemption Team. He has been under a Non Disclosure Agreement(NDA) for the last several months and told what he could and could not reveal.

Q. Mysterious Islands in the Pacific Ocean: In the midst of the boundless ocean is a place revered andrespected by the natives, but which remains mysterious and gives rise to manystrange theories. Among the manyislands that make up the state of Micronesia in the western Pacific, there isone that is something special, with a rich history and myriad mysteries hiddenright under the tropical sun on the white sand beaches. Connected to the eastcoast of the Micronesian island of Pohnpei, the small lagoon contains 92artificial islets connected by canals. Thereyou can find walls, columns and megalithic structures made of coral andvolcanic basalt. The ruins of this ancient city is called Nan Madol, and he hasfor many years resists all attempts to explain its structures, their origin,the exact technology of construction and purpose. The city is rightly calledthe "eighth wonder of the world" and the "Venice of the Pacific.”

R. L.A Times, 1972 Subterranean Bullet Trains: “A Rand corporation physicist has devised a rapid transitsystem to get you from Los Angeles to NY in half an hour for a $50 fair. Hesaid existing technology made such a system feasible and so does a costanalysis.”

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of October 16, 2023 (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.