Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of October 7, 2023 (2024)

RestoredRepublic via a GCR: Update as of October 7, 2023

JudyNote: It wasbelieved that the Twelve Days of Exposure that led into the Ten Days ofDarkness began on Wed. 4 Oct. withthe so-called “Test” of the Emergency Broadcast System that was said toactually be a switch over to the new Star Link Satellite System.

·Iraqwas expected to reveal their new Dinar Rate on Sat. 7 Oct, while Tier 4b (Us, theInternet Group) could likely start exchange/redemption appointments on Mon. 9 Oct.

·Sincethat Wed. 4 Oct. beginning of Twelve Days of Exposure and Ten Days of Darkness, andaccording to Tucker Carlsen, Ukrainian President Zelensky was arrested and sentto a Russian prison, while a top Ukrainian official provided a list of US politiciannames who have allegedly been stealing over a billion tax payer dollars bylaundering it disguised as aid to Ukraine. The monies were sent back into theirpockets in the largest money laundering operation of all-time (See #D).

·WashingtonDC was boarded up and empty.

·Weare in the middle of the largest Military Operationin the history of the World.

·Evidencehas surfaced that the FBI planned the January 6 Operation andplanted documents days earlier that were later used against innocent Americans.It was discovered that the Government itself was the author of the mysterious“1776 Returns” document, a nine page paper that outlined strategic plans forthe takeover of US government buildings on January6, 2021.

·MassGraves of thousands of children killed by Fauciin illegal experiments has been found in NYC.

·The Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children was rampant in Utah. The following podcast explainedhow Utah’s Elite maintained power while hiding their Satanic rites of Childrape and murder in plain sight and out of the legal system: Shadowsof Power: How Utah’s Elite Maintain Power While Hiding In Plain Sight

·Upnext (on Wed. 11 Oct?) was the resignation of Biden,followed by his indictments.

·Qwas hinting at the foreshadowing of a date or time by posting the Mickey MouseClock. (Mickey’s hands pointing to 10 and 2, which mirrored = Feb. 10) Thatcould be the date of Special Elections, which could be the single mostimportant Event that you’ll have in your entire life, as well as life changingfor people worldwide.

·Covid-19& the Vaccines were invented by the Deep State to killyou.

·5G & Air pollution were done by theDeep State to destroy the planet.

·The2020 Election was stolen by the Chinese Communist Partyunder cooperation of the Democratic Party.

·BenFulford: Assuming a 1:1 value ratio, the chances of gold and silver exceeding$1000/oz is 100%.

·TheWhistleblower Snowden continues to help the White Hats and is very muchinvolved in the Plan to Save the World.

·TheEBS will occur before the end of 2023.

·Trump’sreturn hinges on one very strategic event – once it occurs he will be back.

·Roughlyone half of the over 500,000 sealed indictments are against Stock Market Banks,traders or higher ups in the Stock Exchange.

·Fri.6 Oct. Get Ready for the Greatest “Shock and Awe” False FlagOperation in Human History!

·Fri.6 Oct. Global Military Operation: New SG Anon: "GlobalMilitary Operation" Update Today October 6th

·Fri.6 Oct. Intel Alert, Derek Johnson:

·RedPill Journey – DUMBS, Evergreen, Pentagon, CIA, Biden, GCR, QFS, Banks, NATO,Soros, Obama Deep State Operations:

A.Global Currency Reset:

·On Tues. Oct. for twelve hours US Treasury representatives wentto Redemption Centers and entered codes for each nation’s currency. Pings cameback that the code was valid, meaning the Redemption Center could receivecurrency from each nation in exchange for the US Note. Inthe last 24 hours Tier 4A started preparing and paying Tier 4 groups.

·OnWed. 4 Oct Iraq was welcomed to the World Trade Organizationwith a fully reinstated Iraqi Dinar international traded currency.

·Thurs.5 Oct. Wolverine: “Shelton saidon his call that the 10 days of darkness and 12 days of disclosures would startafter an Event (EBS Test?) on Wed. 4 Oct. On Thurs. 6 Oct. I got a call. Everything has really begun. Issac has spoken to someone and hesays it’s looks like it’s going to happen. All the leaders of the Tier 1platform have been funded and by nextweek all members will be paid and it will be fast.”

·Thurs.5 Oct. Tony said he has a two hour window tonight, then laughed, and said heshould have said the next 24 hours. Not every country isgoing at the same time. It’s their own choice. The rate won’t be on the Forexuntil the end of the weekend. Soundslike they’ll get their 72 hours of joy. Mondayis a holiday, so that would be a good time for us to go. Iraqi Governmentsalaries were being paid a month in advance effective Wed. 4 Oct.

·Thurs.5 Oct. Bruce: “BondHolders Tier 3 will get notification of liquidity over the weekend.Tier4b(Us, the Internet Group) will be notified either Sat. 7 Oct. or Mondayafternoon 8 Oct. and will begin appointments either Mon.8 Oct. or Tues.9 Oct.”

·On Fri. 6 Oct. the US Note will be fully in the system andavailable at the bank Fri.6 Oct. or Mon. 8 Oct.

·Fri 6 Oct. MarkZ: “Alot of my sources feel that Mon. 9 our day…..A lot of them …actually they think our day is before that andMonday is when we start going to the bank! They are all expecting bigthings this weekend ….More chatteron the Iraqi side of things with great expectations for the weekend. Most are looking late Saturday/early Sunday forsomething from Iraq. Some type of announcement? …Yesterday a number of Redemption Staff told me they are on “standby” specifically for currency exchanges. …Iraq may go on Saturday. Probably what we would see are call centers working overthe weekend to make ourappointments…and appointments starting on Monday....that the most likely scenario.”

·Fri. 6 Oct. TNT Call: “The whole world will see the RV by Sunday (8 Oct),however we could see it sooner.

·Central Bank of Iraq and Reuters announced: "Next Sunday (8Oct.) will be a special day in all Iraqi banks, which could witnessunprecedented overcrowding and crowding at cash withdrawal windows."Iraqis were told in mosques: "A new Iraq will begin by Sunday (8Oct.)."

B.Rumored Timeline

·Starting in October and continuingfor three months Social Security benefits will be significantly higher, topping out at $5,200. In January regularbenefits will continue, though still be a lot higher.

·Wolverine: “Shelton said on his call that the 10 days of darkness and 12days of disclosures would start after anEvent (the EBS Test Presidential message?) on Wed. 4 Oct.”

·ByTues. 10 Oct. the bulk of redemption appointments andexchanges were expected to be done.

·Wed.11 Oct. was anotherpossible EBS date, along with the removal of Biden and that would kick off a four month military action.

·The IMF and World Bank will hold their last annual meeting on Sun. 15Oct.

·Starting in the fourth week ofOctober Restitution andRecreational Allowance will be paid out. The amount of monies paid back will bebased on federal taxes paid since 1940s, interest on mortgages, bank loans, carloans and credit card interest – along with interest earned on those monies overthe years. Those 60 and older will be paid in three equal monthly payments forOct, Nov & Dec. Those 50-60 will get payments over the next 12 months andthose younger will be paid out over 15 years, though they have to be employedin order to qualify.

·Theend of October Sidney Powell has a date with the SupremeCourt to present evidence on 2020 Election Fraud.

·Wed.1 Nov. was the goal to have Currency Exchanges and Zim BondRedemptions completed.

·TheRodriguez Trust will administer “universal basic income”for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries: the amount per individual orfamily will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of theperson/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can. He said weneed to help our friends and family understand that this will happen in thenext 3 to 6 months.

·Starting 1 Jan. 2024 the fiat US Dollar will be worthless, allcurrencies across the Globe will be on par 1:1 with each other, Social Securitybenefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments start on a monthlybasis.

C.Global Financial Crisis:

·FiveMonths before his Assassination, President John F. Kennedyissued this executive order that would give the American currency back to thePeople by printing Money based on a Silver Standard, Taking away the power ofthe Federal Reserve Banking cartel. Many argue this is the Reason that JFK wasassassinated.

·Completelist of Bank of America branches that are closing in October 2023:

D.Restored Republics:

·TheWed. 4 Oct. EBS Wasn’t The EBS: Thurs. 5 Oct. WHITEHATS DESTROY FEMA'S EBS United States Army Rangers on Wednesday upset FEMA’sscheduled emergency broadcast and destroyed the central transmitter, but onlyafter the wicked agency activated an alert that could have exposed patriots tofederal harassment, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real RawNews.

·“Hang Him!” Adm. Stephens Says of CorruptArmy Major David Dunbar….But Without Tribunal!

·Anew 5,000+ army of Star Link Satellites was already in place to take overMainstream Media Satellites. The EAS will broadcastover this Star Link System, the Global Alliance’s takedown of the Cabal,showing arrests and Tribunals of Global Elites charged with Crimes AgainstHumanity. The documentaries have been made in 55 languages and 600 dialects andwill be shown on all channels on the Planet.

·Pentagonconfirmed Ukraine's role in "biodefense" with 46biolabs there. Conspiracy theory is now just another confirmed Pentagon pressrelease.

·TheSenegalese president announced the dissolution of thecountry's government and reported that a new Government led by the primeminister will be announced soon.

·Niger:The US State Department is preparing to officially designate the militarytakeover in Niger as a coup d’etat as soon as next week, three US officialstold CNN.

·Ukraine:Ukraine List of top names who have allegedly been stealing our tax dollars inthe largest money laundering operation of all-time, per top Ukrainian official.The below is an alleged copy of a list that has been provided. It is a fractionof the over $100 billion we have sent to Ukraine but it is still theft of ourtax dollars and a substantial amount of money. Receipts coming.

Joe Biden $92M Mitch McConnell $89M Nancy Pelosi $86M Chuck Schumer $66M Lindsey Graham $82M Mitt Romney $71M John Cornyn $41M Adam Schiff $62M Dan Crenshaw $20M Elizabeth Cheney $77M Kevin McCarthy $42M Jamie Raskin $38M Mike Pence $61M Greg Pence $17M Rick Scott $63M Hakeem Jeffries $74M Ilhan Omar $33M Elizabeth Warren $42M

I.The Real News for Fri. 6 Oct. 2023:

·Thereis Evidence the FBI Planned the January 6 Operation andPlanted Documents Days Earlier That Were Later Used Against Innocent Americans.It was discovered that the Government itself was the author of the mysterious“1776 Returns” document. The 1776 Returns document is the title of a 9-pagepaper that outlined strategic plans for the takeover of US government buildingson January 6, 2021. It was confirmed in court that the FBI was behind thedocument and and FBI operative was the author of the document.

·Reportsreleased by a Ukrainian official show more than oneBillion dollars of "Aid" money that has been sent to the Ukraine, hasactually been laundered back into the pockets of US government officials onboth sides of the aisle and across different US federal government branches ofpower.

·Fri.6 Oct. Med Beds and Gesara: The White Hats and the GreenButton, Healthcare Revolution & President Trump – Trust the Plan!

·FBIMonitoring MAGNA Supporters:

·"CloudSeeding Science" is just another term for Geo-engineering, and weathermodification. First they "Seed' the clouds withheavy metal particles, and then they use HAARP to induct the rain via theelectro-magnetic frequencies. They have basically confirmed everything that wehave already knew years ago, that weather modification is real, however it'sjust conspiracy theory when we call them out on it.

·46OF 50 States have recounted the 2020 Election Voteand confirmed that Biden lost, Trump won by 80%. Mainstream Media has yet toreport. Why? And, why have the other four states refused to recount, or reporttheir recount?

·TheBiden administration says there is an “immediate need” to wave regulations andbuild a border wall as the migrant crisis spirals out of control.Remarkable. 4 years ago this was “racist.” Now they’re advocating for it. Thereis presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers androads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to preventunlawful entries into the United States in the project areas pursuant tosections 102(a) and 102(b) of [the Illegal Immigration Reform and ImmigrantResponsibility Act of 1996]," Mayorkas said in an announcement. Gee, maybethey shouldn’t have sold all the border wall parts.

·Biden’sFake Inauguration: Go back and watch the FAKE 2020inauguration. It was 100% filmed on twodifferent days. Shoes changed. People appeared and disappeared. US Marshallswere seen directing traffic on people with names as big as Nancy Pelosi.

·Thurs.21 Jan. 2021: Communist Troops Surround a US UnderMartial Law, Inauguration Not Live on TV

J. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ andAdrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and Housed in China’s ThreeGorges Dam:

·Shadows of Power: How Utah’s Elite Maintain PowerWhile Hiding In Plain Sight: Shadows of Power: How Utah’s EliteMaintain Power While Hiding In Plain Sight . Rachel, Katie, Miriam and ElizaHamblin child sexual abuse by their father David Lee Hamblin, a psychologist2012-2014.

·NormalizingPedophilia: Oprah says “Child Molesters make childrenfeel good.” These people are sick! 2,400 Children Missing in a Winfrey, Gates,Zuckerberg, CIA Child Trafficking Cover UP

·Biden/Obama Tied to Child Sex Trafficking and Ukraine Bio Weapon Labs: Biden/ObamaTied to Child Sex Trafficking; Children, Bodies Rescued from US Bio-weapon LabsUnder Biden Ukraine Property

K.Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chemtrails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·MassGraves of Thousands of Children Killed By Fauci In Illegal Experiments Found inNYC- The People's Voice

·Didyou know that LSD and hippies were invented by the CIA in the 1960s? No? Well, the idea was tohook kids on sex, drugs and rock & roll (hey, it worked!), so they wouldhot overthrow the Military Industrial Complex. Accomplices in this diabolicalscheme were, in England, the Beatles and, in America, Jim Morrison, Frank Zappaand other residents of Laurel Canyon in L.A.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of October 7, 2023 (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.